BubbleNet google
Semi-supervised video object segmentation has made significant progress on real and challenging videos in recent years. The current paradigm for segmentation methods and benchmark datasets is to segment objects in video provided a single annotation in the first frame. However, we find that segmentation performance across the entire video varies dramatically when selecting an alternative frame for annotation. This paper address the problem of learning to suggest the single best frame across the video for user annotation—this is, in fact, never the first frame of video. We achieve this by introducing BubbleNets, a novel deep sorting network that learns to select frames using a performance-based loss function that enables the conversion of expansive amounts of training examples from already existing datasets. Using BubbleNets, we are able to achieve an 11% relative improvement in segmentation performance on the DAVIS benchmark without any changes to the underlying method of segmentation. …

ScreenerNet google
We propose to learn a curriculum or a syllabus for supervised learning with deep neural networks. Specifically, we learn weights for each sample in training by an attached neural network, called ScreenerNet, to the original network and jointly train them in an end-to-end fashion. We show the networks augmented with our ScreenerNet achieve early convergence with better accuracy than the state-of-the-art rule-based curricular learning methods in extensive experiments using three popular vision datasets including MNIST, CIFAR10 and Pascal VOC2012, and a Cartpole task using Deep Q-learning. …

Confidence-based Graph Convolutional Network (ConfGCN) google
Predicting properties of nodes in a graph is an important problem with applications in a variety of domains. Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods aim to address this problem by labeling a small subset of the nodes as seeds and then utilizing the graph structure to predict label scores for the rest of the nodes in the graph. Recently, Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have achieved impressive performance on the graph-based SSL task. In addition to label scores, it is also desirable to have confidence scores associated with them. Unfortunately, confidence estimation in the context of GCN has not been previously explored. We fill this important gap in this paper and propose ConfGCN, which estimates labels scores along with their confidences jointly in GCN-based setting. ConfGCN uses these estimated confidences to determine the influence of one node on another during neighborhood aggregation, thereby acquiring anisotropic capabilities. Through extensive analysis and experiments on standard benchmarks, we find that ConfGCN is able to outperform state-of-the-art baselines. We have made ConfGCN’s source code available to encourage reproducible research. …

Multi-Target Embodied Question Answering (MT-EQA) google
Embodied Question Answering (EQA) is a relatively new task where an agent is asked to answer questions about its environment from egocentric perception. EQA makes the fundamental assumption that every question, e.g., ‘what color is the car?’, has exactly one target (‘car’) being inquired about. This assumption puts a direct limitation on the abilities of the agent. We present a generalization of EQA – Multi-Target Embodied Question Answering (MT-EQA). Specifically, we study questions that have multiple targets in them, such as ‘Is the dresser in the bedroom bigger than the oven in the kitchen?’, where the agent has to navigate to multiple locations (‘dresser in bedroom’, ‘oven in kitchen’) and perform comparative reasoning (‘dresser’ bigger than ‘oven’) before it can answer a question. Such questions require the development of entirely new modules or components in the agent. To address this, we propose a modular architecture composed of a program generator, a controller, a navigator, and a VQA module. The program generator converts the given question into sequential executable sub-programs; the navigator guides the agent to multiple locations pertinent to the navigation-related sub-programs; and the controller learns to select relevant observations along its path. These observations are then fed to the VQA module to predict the answer. We perform detailed analysis for each of the model components and show that our joint model can outperform previous methods and strong baselines by a significant margin. …