Contextual Regression google
Machine learning algorithms such as linear regression, SVM and neural network have played an increasingly important role in the process of scientific discovery. However, none of them is both interpretable and accurate on nonlinear datasets. Here we present contextual regression, a method that joins these two desirable properties together using a hybrid architecture of neural network embedding and dot product layer. We demonstrate its high prediction accuracy and sensitivity through the task of predictive feature selection on a simulated dataset and the application of predicting open chromatin sites in the human genome. On the simulated data, our method achieved high fidelity recovery of feature contributions under random noise levels up to 200%. On the open chromatin dataset, the application of our method not only outperformed the state of the art method in terms of accuracy, but also unveiled two previously unfound open chromatin related histone marks. Our method can fill the blank of accurate and interpretable nonlinear modeling in scientific data mining tasks. …

Deep Loopy Neural Network google
Existing deep learning models may encounter great challenges in handling graph structured data. In this paper, we introduce a new deep learning model for graph data specifically, namely the deep loopy neural network. Significantly different from the previous deep models, inside the deep loopy neural network, there exist a large number of loops created by the extensive connections among nodes in the input graph data, which makes model learning an infeasible task. To resolve such a problem, in this paper, we will introduce a new learning algorithm for the deep loopy neural network specifically. Instead of learning the model variables based on the original model, in the proposed learning algorithm, errors will be back-propagated through the edges in a group of extracted spanning trees. Extensive numerical experiments have been done on several real-world graph datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of both the proposed model and the learning algorithm in handling graph data. …

Collaborative Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning (CERL) google
Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have been successfully applied to a range of challenging control tasks. However, these methods typically struggle with achieving effective exploration and are extremely sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters. One reason is that most approaches use a noisy version of their operating policy to explore – thereby limiting the range of exploration. In this paper, we introduce Collaborative Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning (CERL), a scalable framework that comprises a portfolio of policies that simultaneously explore and exploit diverse regions of the solution space. A collection of learners – typically proven algorithms like TD3 – optimize over varying time-horizons leading to this diverse portfolio. All learners contribute to and use a shared replay buffer to achieve greater sample efficiency. Computational resources are dynamically distributed to favor the best learners as a form of online algorithm selection. Neuroevolution binds this entire process to generate a single emergent learner that exceeds the capabilities of any individual learner. Experiments in a range of continuous control benchmarks demonstrate that the emergent learner significantly outperforms its composite learners while remaining overall more sample-efficient – notably solving the Mujoco Humanoid benchmark where all of its composite learners (TD3) fail entirely in isolation. …

Confusion2Vec google
Word vector representations are a crucial part of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Human Computer Interaction. In this paper, we propose a novel word vector representation, Confusion2Vec, motivated from the human speech production and perception that encodes representational ambiguity. Humans employ both acoustic similarity cues and contextual cues to decode information and we focus on a model that incorporates both sources of information. The representational ambiguity of acoustics, which manifests itself in word confusions, is often resolved by both humans and machines through contextual cues. A range of representational ambiguities can emerge in various domains further to acoustic perception, such as morphological transformations, paraphrasing for NLP tasks like machine translation etc. In this work, we present a case study in application to Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), where the word confusions are related to acoustic similarity. We present several techniques to train an acoustic perceptual similarity representation ambiguity. We term this Confusion2Vec and learn on unsupervised-generated data from ASR confusion networks or lattice-like structures. Appropriate evaluations for the Confusion2Vec are formulated for gauging acoustic similarity in addition to semantic-syntactic and word similarity evaluations. The Confusion2Vec is able to model word confusions efficiently, without compromising on the semantic-syntactic word relations, thus effectively enriching the word vector space with extra task relevant ambiguity information. We provide an intuitive exploration of the 2-dimensional Confusion2Vec space using Principal Component Analysis of the embedding and relate to semantic, syntactic and acoustic relationships. The potential of Confusion2Vec in the utilization of uncertainty present in lattices is demonstrated through small examples relating to ASR error correction. …