FastDeepIoT google
Deep neural networks show great potential as solutions to many sensing application problems, but their excessive resource demand slows down execution time, pausing a serious impediment to deployment on low-end devices. To address this challenge, recent literature focused on compressing neural network size to improve performance. We show that changing neural network size does not proportionally affect performance attributes of interest, such as execution time. Rather, extreme run-time nonlinearities exist over the network configuration space. Hence, we propose a novel framework, called FastDeepIoT, that uncovers the non-linear relation between neural network structure and execution time, then exploits that understanding to find network configurations that significantly improve the trade-off between execution time and accuracy on mobile and embedded devices. FastDeepIoT makes two key contributions. First, FastDeepIoT automatically learns an accurate and highly interpretable execution time model for deep neural networks on the target device. This is done without prior knowledge of either the hardware specifications or the detailed implementation of the used deep learning library. Second, FastDeepIoT informs a compression algorithm how to minimize execution time on the profiled device without impacting accuracy. We evaluate FastDeepIoT using three different sensing-related tasks on two mobile devices: Nexus 5 and Galaxy Nexus. FastDeepIoT further reduces the neural network execution time by $48\%$ to $78\%$ and energy consumption by $37\%$ to $69\%$ compared with the state-of-the-art compression algorithms. …

MXNET-MPI google
Existing Deep Learning frameworks exclusively use either Parameter Server(PS) approach or MPI parallelism. In this paper, we discuss the drawbacks of such approaches and propose a generic framework supporting both PS and MPI programming paradigms, co-existing at the same time. The key advantage of the new model is to embed the scaling benefits of MPI parallelism into the loosely coupled PS task model. Apart from providing a practical usage model of MPI in cloud, such framework allows for novel communication avoiding algorithms that do parameter averaging in Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD) approaches. We show how MPI and PS models can synergestically apply algorithms such as Elastic SGD to improve the rate of convergence against existing approaches. These new algorithms directly help scaling SGD clusterwide. Further, we also optimize the critical component of the framework, namely global aggregation or allreduce using a novel concept of tensor collectives. These treat a group of vectors on a node as a single object allowing for the existing single vector algorithms to be directly applicable. We back our claims with sufficient emperical evidence using large scale ImageNet 1K data. Our framework is built upon MXNET but the design is generic and can be adapted to other popular DL infrastructures. …

MobiVSR google
Visual speech recognition (VSR) is the task of recognizing spoken language from video input only, without any audio. VSR has many applications as an assistive technology, especially if it could be deployed in mobile devices and embedded systems. The need of intensive computational resources and large memory footprint are two of the major obstacles in developing neural network models for VSR in a resource constrained environment. We propose a novel end-to-end deep neural network architecture for word level VSR called MobiVSR with a design parameter that aids in balancing the model’s accuracy and parameter count. We use depthwise-separable 3D convolution for the first time in the domain of VSR and show how it makes our model efficient. MobiVSR achieves an accuracy of 73\% on a challenging Lip Reading in the Wild dataset with 6 times fewer parameters and 20 times lesser memory footprint than the current state of the art. MobiVSR can also be compressed to 6 MB by applying post training quantization. …

Feature Fusion Learning (FFL) google
We propose a learning framework named Feature Fusion Learning (FFL) that efficiently trains a powerful classifier through a fusion module which combines the feature maps generated from parallel neural networks. Specifically, we train a number of parallel neural networks as sub-networks, then we combine the feature maps from each sub-network using a fusion module to create a more meaningful feature map. The fused feature map is passed into the fused classifier for overall classification. Unlike existing feature fusion methods, in our framework, an ensemble of sub-network classifiers transfers its knowledge to the fused classifier and then the fused classifier delivers its knowledge back to each sub-network, mutually teaching one another in an online-knowledge distillation manner. This mutually teaching system not only improves the performance of the fused classifier but also obtains performance gain in each sub-network. Moreover, our model is more beneficial because different types of network can be used for each sub-network. We have performed a variety of experiments on multiple datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet and proved that our method is more effective than other alternative methods in terms of performance of both sub-networks and the fused classifier. …