CASED google
We introduce CASED, a novel curriculum sampling algorithm that facilitates the optimization of deep learning segmentation or detection models on data sets with extreme class imbalance. We evaluate the CASED learning framework on the task of lung nodule detection in chest CT. In contrast to two-stage solutions, wherein nodule candidates are first proposed by a segmentation model and refined by a second detection stage, CASED improves the training of deep nodule segmentation models (e.g. UNet) to the point where state of the art results are achieved using only a trivial detection stage. CASED improves the optimization of deep segmentation models by allowing them to first learn how to distinguish nodules from their immediate surroundings, while continuously adding a greater proportion of difficult-to-classify global context, until uniformly sampling from the empirical data distribution. Using CASED during training yields a minimalist proposal to the lung nodule detection problem that tops the LUNA16 nodule detection benchmark with an average sensitivity score of 88.35%. Furthermore, we find that models trained using CASED are robust to nodule annotation quality by showing that comparable results can be achieved when only a point and radius for each ground truth nodule are provided during training. Finally, the CASED learning framework makes no assumptions with regard to imaging modality or segmentation target and should generalize to other medical imaging problems where class imbalance is a persistent problem. …

Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) google
The development of ISM was made by Warfield in 1974. ISM is the process of collaborating distinct or related essentials into a simplified and an organized format. Hence, ISM is a methodology that seeks the interrelationships among the various elements considered and endows with a hierarchical and multilevel structure. …

Big-Little Net google
In this paper, we propose a novel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for learning multi-scale feature representations with good tradeoffs between speed and accuracy. This is achieved by using a multi-branch network, which has different computational complexity at different branches. Through frequent merging of features from branches at distinct scales, our model obtains multi-scale features while using less computation. The proposed approach demonstrates improvement of model efficiency and performance on both object recognition and speech recognition tasks,using popular architectures including ResNet and ResNeXt. For object recognition, our approach reduces computation by 33% on object recognition while improving accuracy with 0.9%. Furthermore, our model surpasses state-of-the-art CNN acceleration approaches by a large margin in accuracy and FLOPs reduction. On the task of speech recognition, our proposed multi-scale CNNs save 30% FLOPs with slightly better word error rates, showing good generalization across domains. …

OctNet google
We present OctNet, a representation for deep learning with sparse 3D data. In contrast to existing models, our representation enables 3D convolutional networks which are both deep and high resolution. Towards this goal, we exploit the sparsity in the input data to hierarchically partition the space using a set of unbalanced octrees where each leaf node stores a pooled feature representation. This allows to focus memory allocation and computation to the relevant dense regions and enables deeper networks without compromising resolution. We demonstrate the utility of our OctNet representation by analyzing the impact of resolution on several 3D tasks including 3D object classification, orientation estimation and point cloud labeling. …