Leveraging Semantic Embeddings for Safety-Critical Applications

Semantic Embeddings are a popular way to represent knowledge in the field of zero-shot learning. We observe their interpretability and discuss their potential utility in a safety-critical context. Concretely, we propose to use them to add introspection and error detection capabilities to neural network classifiers. First, we show how to create embeddings from symbolic domain knowledge. We discuss how to use them for interpreting mispredictions and propose a simple error detection scheme. We then introduce the concept of semantic distance: a real-valued score that measures confidence in the semantic space. We evaluate this score on a traffic sign classifier and find that it achieves near state-of-the-art performance, while being significantly faster to compute than other confidence scores. Our approach requires no changes to the original network and is thus applicable to any task for which domain knowledge is available.

Correlation Coefficients and Semantic Textual Similarity

A large body of research into semantic textual similarity has focused on constructing state-of-the-art embeddings using sophisticated modelling, careful choice of learning signals and many clever tricks. By contrast, little attention has been devoted to similarity measures between these embeddings, with cosine similarity being used unquestionably in the majority of cases. In this work, we illustrate that for all common word vectors, cosine similarity is essentially equivalent to the Pearson correlation coefficient, which provides some justification for its use. We thoroughly characterise cases where Pearson correlation (and thus cosine similarity) is unfit as similarity measure. Importantly, we show that Pearson correlation is appropriate for some word vectors but not others. When it is not appropriate, we illustrate how common non-parametric rank correlation coefficients can be used instead to significantly improve performance. We support our analysis with a series of evaluations on word-level and sentence-level semantic textual similarity benchmarks. On the latter, we show that even the simplest averaged word vectors compared by rank correlation easily rival the strongest deep representations compared by cosine similarity.

Minimal Achievable Sufficient Statistic Learning

We introduce Minimal Achievable Sufficient Statistic (MASS) Learning, a training method for machine learning models that attempts to produce minimal sufficient statistics with respect to a class of functions (e.g. deep networks) being optimized over. In deriving MASS Learning, we also introduce Conserved Differential Information (CDI), an information-theoretic quantity that – unlike standard mutual information – can be usefully applied to deterministically-dependent continuous random variables like the input and output of a deep network. In a series of experiments, we show that deep networks trained with MASS Learning achieve competitive performance on supervised learning, regularization, and uncertainty quantification benchmarks.

Testing Deep Neural Network based Image Classifiers

Image classification is an important task in today’s world with many applications from socio-technical to safety-critical domains. The recent advent of Deep Neural Network (DNN) is the key behind such a wide-spread success. However, such wide adoption comes with the concerns about the reliability of these systems, as several erroneous behaviors have already been reported in many sensitive and critical circumstances. Thus, it has become crucial to rigorously test the image classifiers to ensure high reliability. Many reported erroneous cases in popular neural image classifiers appear because the models often confuse one class with another, or show biases towards some classes over others. These errors usually violate some group properties. Most existing DNN testing and verification techniques focus on per image violations and thus fail to detect such group-level confusions or biases. In this paper, we design, implement and evaluate DeepInspect, a white box testing tool, for automatically detecting confusion and bias of DNN-driven image classification applications. We evaluate DeepInspect using popular DNN-based image classifiers and detect hundreds of classification mistakes. Some of these cases are able to expose potential biases of the network towards certain populations. DeepInspect further reports many classification errors in state-of-the-art robust models.

A Distributionally Robust Boosting Algorithm

Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) has been shown to provide a flexible framework for decision making under uncertainty and statistical estimation. For example, recent works in DRO have shown that popular statistical estimators can be interpreted as the solutions of suitable formulated data-driven DRO problems. In turn, this connection is used to optimally select tuning parameters in terms of a principled approach informed by robustness considerations. This paper contributes to this growing literature, connecting DRO and statistics, by showing how boosting algorithms can be studied via DRO. We propose a boosting type algorithm, named DRO-Boosting, as a procedure to solve our DRO formulation. Our DRO-Boosting algorithm recovers Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) in particular, thus showing that AdaBoost is effectively solving a DRO problem. We apply our algorithm to a financial dataset on credit card default payment prediction. We find that our approach compares favorably to alternative boosting methods which are widely used in practice.

KGAT: Knowledge Graph Attention Network for Recommendation

To provide more accurate, diverse, and explainable recommendation, it is compulsory to go beyond modeling user-item interactions and take side information into account. Traditional methods like factorization machine (FM) cast it as a supervised learning problem, which assumes each interaction as an independent instance with side information encoded. Due to the overlook of the relations among instances or items (e.g., the director of a movie is also an actor of another movie), these methods are insufficient to distill the collaborative signal from the collective behaviors of users. In this work, we investigate the utility of knowledge graph (KG), which breaks down the independent interaction assumption by linking items with their attributes. We argue that in such a hybrid structure of KG and user-item graph, high-order relations — which connect two items with one or multiple linked attributes — are an essential factor for successful recommendation. We propose a new method named Knowledge Graph Attention Network (KGAT) which explicitly models the high-order connectivities in KG in an end-to-end fashion. It recursively propagates the embeddings from a node’s neighbors (which can be users, items, or attributes) to refine the node’s embedding, and employs an attention mechanism to discriminate the importance of the neighbors. Our KGAT is conceptually advantageous to existing KG-based recommendation methods, which either exploit high-order relations by extracting paths or implicitly modeling them with regularization. Empirical results on three public benchmarks show that KGAT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods like Neural FM and RippleNet. Further studies verify the efficacy of embedding propagation for high-order relation modeling and the interpretability benefits brought by the attention mechanism.

CERTIFAI: Counterfactual Explanations for Robustness, Transparency, Interpretability, and Fairness of Artificial Intelligence models

As artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in our society, there are ethical and moral obligations for both businesses and researchers to ensure that their machine learning models are designed, deployed, and maintained responsibly. These models need to be rigorously audited for fairness, robustness, transparency, and interpretability. A variety of methods have been developed that focus on these issues in isolation, however, managing these methods in conjunction with model development can be cumbersome and timeconsuming. In this paper, we introduce a unified and model-agnostic approach to address these issues: Counterfactual Explanations for Robustness, Transparency, Interpretability, and Fairness of Artificial Intelligence models (CERTIFAI). Unlike previous methods in this domain, CERTIFAI is a general tool that can be applied to any black-box model and any type of input data. Given a model and an input instance, CERTIFAI uses a custom genetic algorithm to generate counterfactuals: instances close to the input that change the prediction of the model. We demonstrate how these counterfactuals can be used to examine issues of robustness, interpretability, transparency, and fairness. Additionally, we introduce CERScore, the first black-box model robustness score that performs comparably to methods that have access to model internals.

Reinforcement Learning without Ground-Truth State

To perform robot manipulation tasks, a low dimension state of the environment typically needs to be estimated. However, designing a state estimator can sometimes be difficult, especially in environments with deformable objects. An alternative is to learn an end-to-end policy that maps directly from high dimensional sensor inputs to actions. However, if this policy is trained with reinforcement learning, then without a state estimator, it is hard to specify a reward function based on continuous and high dimensional observations. To meet this challenge, we propose a simple indicator reward function for goal-conditioned reinforcement learning: we only give a positive reward when the robot’s observation exactly matches a target goal observation. We show that by utilizing the goal relabeling technique, we can learn with the indicator reward function even in continuous state spaces, in which we do not expect two observations to ever be identical. We propose two methods to further speed up convergence with indicator rewards: reward balancing and reward filtering. We show comparable performance between our method and an oracle which uses the ground-truth state for computing rewards, even though our method only operates on raw observations and does not have access to the ground-truth state. We demonstrate our method in complex tasks in continuous state spaces such as rope manipulation from RGB-D images, without knowledge of the ground truth state.

Learning Ensembles of Anomaly Detectors on Synthetic Data

The main aim of this work is to develop and implement an automatic anomaly detection algorithm for meteorological time-series. To achieve this goal we develop an approach to constructing an ensemble of anomaly detectors in combination with adaptive threshold selection based on artificially generated anomalies. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method by integrating the corresponding implementation into “Minimax-94” road weather information system.

Cluster-GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks

Graph convolutional network (GCN) has been successfully applied to many graph-based applications; however, training a large-scale GCN remains challenging. Current SGD-based algorithms suffer from either a high computational cost that exponentially grows with number of GCN layers, or a large space requirement for keeping the entire graph and the embedding of each node in memory. In this paper, we propose Cluster-GCN, a novel GCN algorithm that is suitable for SGD-based training by exploiting the graph clustering structure. Cluster-GCN works as the following: at each step, it samples a block of nodes that associate with a dense subgraph identified by a graph clustering algorithm, and restricts the neighborhood search within this subgraph. This simple but effective strategy leads to significantly improved memory and computational efficiency while being able to achieve comparable test accuracy with previous algorithms. To test the scalability of our algorithm, we create a new Amazon2M data with 2 million nodes and 61 million edges which is more than 5 times larger than the previous largest publicly available dataset (Reddit). For training a 3-layer GCN on this data, Cluster-GCN is faster than the previous state-of-the-art VR-GCN (1523 seconds vs 1961 seconds) and using much less memory (2.2GB vs 11.2GB). Furthermore, for training 4 layer GCN on this data, our algorithm can finish in around 36 minutes while all the existing GCN training algorithms fail to train due to the out-of-memory issue. Furthermore, Cluster-GCN allows us to train much deeper GCN without much time and memory overhead, which leads to improved prediction accuracy—using a 5-layer Cluster-GCN, we achieve state-of-the-art test F1 score 99.36 on the PPI dataset, while the previous best result was 98.71 by [16].

Catastrophic forgetting: still a problem for DNNs

We investigate the performance of DNNs when trained on class-incremental visual problems consisting of initial training, followed by retraining with added visual classes. Catastrophic forgetting (CF) behavior is measured using a new evaluation procedure that aims at an application-oriented view of incremental learning. In particular, it imposes that model selection must be performed on the initial dataset alone, as well as demanding that retraining control be performed only using the retraining dataset, as initial dataset is usually too large to be kept. Experiments are conducted on class-incremental problems derived from MNIST, using a variety of different DNN models, some of them recently proposed to avoid catastrophic forgetting. When comparing our new evaluation procedure to previous approaches for assessing CF, we find their findings are completely negated, and that none of the tested methods can avoid CF in all experiments. This stresses the importance of a realistic empirical measurement procedure for catastrophic forgetting, and the need for further research in incremental learning for DNNs.

Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering

Learning vector representations (aka. embeddings) of users and items lies at the core of modern recommender systems. Ranging from early matrix factorization to recently emerged deep learning based methods, existing efforts typically obtain a user’s (or an item’s) embedding by mapping from pre-existing features that describe the user (or the item), such as ID and attributes. We argue that an inherent drawback of such methods is that, the collaborative signal, which is latent in user-item interactions, is not encoded in the embedding process. As such, the resultant embeddings may not be sufficient to capture the collaborative filtering effect. In this work, we propose to integrate the user-item interactions — more specifically the bipartite graph structure — into the embedding process. We develop a new recommendation framework Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering (NGCF), which exploits the user-item graph structure by propagating embeddings on it. This leads to the expressive modeling of high-order connectivity in user-item graph, effectively injecting the collaborative signal into the embedding process in an explicit manner. We conduct extensive experiments on three public benchmarks, demonstrating significant improvements over several state-of-the-art models like HOP-Rec and Collaborative Memory Network. Further analysis verifies the importance of embedding propagation for learning better user and item representations, justifying the rationality and effectiveness of NGCF. Codes are available at https://…/neural_graph_collaborative_filtering.

Zero-Shot Knowledge Distillation in Deep Networks

Knowledge distillation deals with the problem of training a smaller model (Student) from a high capacity source model (Teacher) so as to retain most of its performance. Existing approaches use either the training data or meta-data extracted from it in order to train the Student. However, accessing the dataset on which the Teacher has been trained may not always be feasible if the dataset is very large or it poses privacy or safety concerns (e.g., bio-metric or medical data). Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel data-free method to train the Student from the Teacher. Without even using any meta-data, we synthesize the Data Impressions from the complex Teacher model and utilize these as surrogates for the original training data samples to transfer its learning to Student via knowledge distillation. We, therefore, dub our method ‘Zero-Shot Knowledge Distillation’ and demonstrate that our framework results in competitive generalization performance as achieved by distillation using the actual training data samples on multiple benchmark datasets.

Continual Learning in Deep Neural Networks by Using a Kalman Optimiser

Learning and adapting to new distributions or learning new tasks sequentially without forgetting the previously learned knowledge is a challenging phenomenon in continual learning models. Most of the conventional deep learning models are not capable of learning new tasks sequentially in one model without forgetting the previously learned ones. We address this issue by using a Kalman Optimiser. The Kalman Optimiser divides the neural network into two parts: the long-term and short-term memory units. The long-term memory unit is used to remember the learned tasks and the short-term memory unit is to adapt to the new task. We have evaluated our method on MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100 datasets and compare our results with state-of-the-art baseline models. The results show that our approach enables the model to continually learn and adapt to the new changes without forgetting the previously learned tasks.

Can Bio-Inspired Swarm Algorithms Scale to Modern Societal Problems

Taking inspiration from nature for meta-heuristics has proven popular and relatively successful. Many are inspired by the collective intelligence exhibited by insects, fish and birds. However, there is a question over their scalability to the types of complex problems experienced in the modern world. Natural systems evolved to solve simpler problems effectively, replicating these processes for complex problems may suffer from inefficiencies. Several causal factors can impact scalability; computational complexity, memory requirements or pure problem intractability. Supporting evidence is provided using a case study in Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) regards tackling increasingly complex real-world fleet optimisation problems. This paper hypothesizes that contrary to common intuition, bio-inspired collective intelligence techniques by their very nature exhibit poor scalability in cases of high dimensionality when large degrees of decision making are required. Facilitating scaling of bio-inspired algorithms necessitates reducing this decision making. To support this hypothesis, an enhanced Partial-ACO technique is presented which effectively reduces ant decision making. Reducing the decision making required by ants by up to 90% results in markedly improved effectiveness and reduced runtimes for increasingly complex fleet optimisation problems. Reductions in traversal timings of 40-50% are achieved for problems with up to 45 vehicles and 437 jobs.

Multi-view Locality Low-rank Embedding for Dimension Reduction

During the last decades, we have witnessed a surge of interests of learning a low-dimensional space with discriminative information from one single view. Even though most of them can achieve satisfactory performance in some certain situations, they fail to fully consider the information from multiple views which are highly relevant but sometimes look different from each other. Besides, correlations between features from multiple views always vary greatly, which challenges multi-view subspace learning. Therefore, how to learn an appropriate subspace which can maintain valuable information from multi-view features is of vital importance but challenging. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a novel multi-view dimension reduction method named Multi-view Locality Low-rank Embedding for Dimension Reduction (MvL2E). MvL2E makes full use of correlations between multi-view features by adopting low-rank representations. Meanwhile, it aims to maintain the correlations and construct a suitable manifold space to capture the low-dimensional embedding for multi-view features. A centroid based scheme is designed to force multiple views to learn from each other. And an iterative alternating strategy is developed to obtain the optimal solution of MvL2E. The proposed method is evaluated on 5 benchmark datasets. Comprehensive experiments show that our proposed MvL2E can achieve comparable performance with previous approaches proposed in recent literatures.

Interpretable Neural Predictions with Differentiable Binary Variables

The success of neural networks comes hand in hand with a desire for more interpretability. We focus on text classifiers and make them more interpretable by having them provide a justification, a rationale, for their predictions. We approach this problem by jointly training two neural network models: a latent model that selects a rationale (i.e. a short and informative part of the input text), and a classifier that learns from the words in the rationale alone. Previous work proposed to assign binary latent masks to input positions and to promote short selections via sparsity-inducing penalties such as L0 regularisation. We propose a latent model that mixes discrete and continuous behaviour allowing at the same time for binary selections and gradient-based training without REINFORCE. In our formulation, we can tractably compute the expected value of penalties such as L0, which allows us to directly optimise the model towards a pre-specified text selection rate. We show that our approach is competitive with previous work on rationale extraction, and explore further uses in attention mechanisms.

A Bayesian Approach to Robust Reinforcement Learning

Robust Markov Decision Processes (RMDPs) intend to ensure robustness with respect to changing or adversarial system behavior. In this framework, transitions are modeled as arbitrary elements of a known and properly structured uncertainty set and a robust optimal policy can be derived under the worst-case scenario. In this study, we address the issue of learning in RMDPs using a Bayesian approach. We introduce the Uncertainty Robust Bellman Equation (URBE) which encourages safe exploration for adapting the uncertainty set to new observations while preserving robustness. We propose a URBE-based algorithm, DQN-URBE, that scales this method to higher dimensional domains. Our experiments show that the derived URBE-based strategy leads to a better trade-off between less conservative solutions and robustness in the presence of model misspecification. In addition, we show that the DQN-URBE algorithm can adapt significantly faster to changing dynamics online compared to existing robust techniques with fixed uncertainty sets.

Adversarially robust transfer learning

Transfer learning, in which a network is trained on one task and re-purposed on another, is often used to produce neural network classifiers when data is scarce or full-scale training is too costly. When the goal is to produce a model that is not only accurate but also adversarially robust, data scarcity and computational limitations become even more cumbersome. We consider robust transfer learning, in which we transfer not only performance but also robustness from a source model to a target domain. We start by observing that robust networks contain robust feature extractors. By training classifiers on top of these feature extractors, we produce new models that inherit the robustness of their parent networks. We then consider the case of fine-tuning a network by re-training end-to-end in the target domain. When using lifelong learning strategies, this process preserves the robustness of the source network while achieving high accuracy. By using such strategies, it is possible to produce accurate and robust models with little data, and without the cost of adversarial training.