Privacy of Dependent Users Against Statistical Matching

Modern applications significantly enhance user experience by adapting to each user’s individual condition and/or preferences. While this adaptation can greatly improve a user’s experience or be essential for the application to work, the exposure of user data to the application presents a significant privacy threat to the users\textemdash even when the traces are anonymized (since the statistical matching of an anonymized trace to prior user behavior can identify a user and their habits). Because of the current and growing algorithmic and computational capabilities of adversaries, provable privacy guarantees as a function of the degree of anonymization and obfuscation of the traces are necessary. Our previous work has established the requirements on anonymization and obfuscation in the case that data traces are independent between users. However, the data traces of different users will be dependent in many applications, and an adversary can potentially exploit such. In this paper, we consider the impact of correlation between user traces on their privacy. First, we demonstrate that the adversary can readily identify the association graph, revealing which user data traces are correlated. Next, we demonstrate that the adversary can use this association graph to break user privacy with significantly shorter traces than in the case of independent users, and that obfuscating data traces independently across users is often insufficient to remedy such leakage. Finally, we discuss how users can employ data trace dependency to improve privacy by performing better obfuscation.

High-Performance Parallel Implementation of Genetic Algorithm on FPGA

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are used to solve search and optimization problems in which an optimal solution can be found using an iterative process with probabilistic and non-deterministic transitions. However, depending on the problem’s nature, the time required to find a solution can be high in sequential machines due to the computational complexity of genetic algorithms. This work proposes a parallel implementation of a genetic algorithm on field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Optimization of the system’s processing time is the main goal of this project. Results associated with the processing time and area occupancy (on FPGA) for various population sizes are analyzed. Studies concerning the accuracy of the GA response for the optimization of two variables functions were also evaluated for the hardware implementation. However, the high-performance implementation proposes in this paper is able to work with more variable from some adjustments on hardware architecture.

CR-GAN: Learning Complete Representations for Multi-view Generation

Generating multi-view images from a single-view input is an essential yet challenging problem. It has broad applications in vision, graphics, and robotics. Our study indicates that the widely-used generative adversarial network (GAN) may learn ‘incomplete’ representations due to the single-pathway framework: an encoder-decoder network followed by a discriminator network. We propose CR-GAN to address this problem. In addition to the single reconstruction path, we introduce a generation sideway to maintain the completeness of the learned embedding space. The two learning pathways collaborate and compete in a parameter-sharing manner, yielding considerably improved generalization ability to ‘unseen’ dataset. More importantly, the two-pathway framework makes it possible to combine both labeled and unlabeled data for self-supervised learning, which further enriches the embedding space for realistic generations. The experimental results prove that CR-GAN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, especially when generating from ‘unseen’ inputs in wild conditions.

Compressed Sensing Beyond the IID and Static Domains: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Sparsity is a ubiquitous feature of many real world signals such as natural images and neural spiking activities. Conventional compressed sensing utilizes sparsity to recover low dimensional signal structures in high ambient dimensions using few measurements, where i.i.d measurements are at disposal. However real world scenarios typically exhibit non i.i.d and dynamic structures and are confined by physical constraints, preventing applicability of the theoretical guarantees of compressed sensing and limiting its applications. In this thesis we develop new theory, algorithms and applications for non i.i.d and dynamic compressed sensing by considering such constraints. In the first part of this thesis we derive new optimal sampling-complexity tradeoffs for two commonly used processes used to model dependent temporal structures: the autoregressive processes and self-exciting generalized linear models. Our theoretical results successfully recovered the temporal dependencies in neural activities, financial data and traffic data. Next, we develop a new framework for studying temporal dynamics by introducing compressible state-space models, which simultaneously utilize spatial and temporal sparsity. We develop a fast algorithm for optimal inference on such models and prove its optimal recovery guarantees. Our algorithm shows significant improvement in detecting sparse events in biological applications such as spindle detection and calcium deconvolution. Finally, we develop a sparse Poisson image reconstruction technique and the first compressive two-photon microscope which uses lines of excitation across the sample at multiple angles. We recovered diffraction-limited images from relatively few incoherently multiplexed measurements, at a rate of 1.5 billion voxels per second.

XGBoost: Scalable GPU Accelerated Learning

We describe the multi-GPU gradient boosting algorithm implemented in the XGBoost library (https://…/xgboost ). Our algorithm allows fast, scalable training on multi-GPU systems with all of the features of the XGBoost library. We employ data compression techniques to minimise the usage of scarce GPU memory while still allowing highly efficient implementation. Using our algorithm we show that it is possible to process 115 million training instances in under three minutes on a publicly available cloud computing instance. The algorithm is implemented using end-to-end GPU parallelism, with prediction, gradient calculation, feature quantisation, decision tree construction and evaluation phases all computed on device.

A scalable H-matrix approach for the solution of boundary integral equations on multi-GPU clusters
Team assembly mechanisms and the knowledge produced in the Mexico’s National Institute of Geriatrics: a network analysis and agent-based modelling approach
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Temporal disorder in discontinuous non-equilibrium phase transitions: general results
Comment on: Decomposition of structural learning about directed acyclic graphs [1]
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On the integrability of strongly regular graphs
Unsupervised Detection and Explanation of Latent-class Contextual Anomalies
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Quantum aspects of high dimensional formal representation of conceptual spaces
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Theory IIIb: Generalization in Deep Networks
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On embeddings as alternative paradigm for relational learning
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Bayesian Deep Learning on a Quantum Computer
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A Hoeffding inequality for Markov chains
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High Dimensional Discrete Integration by Hashing and Optimization
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