Deep Continuous Clustering google
Clustering high-dimensional datasets is hard because interpoint distances become less informative in high-dimensional spaces. We present a clustering algorithm that performs nonlinear dimensionality reduction and clustering jointly. The data is embedded into a lower-dimensional space by a deep autoencoder. The autoencoder is optimized as part of the clustering process. The resulting network produces clustered data. The presented approach does not rely on prior knowledge of the number of ground-truth clusters. Joint nonlinear dimensionality reduction and clustering are formulated as optimization of a global continuous objective. We thus avoid discrete reconfigurations of the objective that characterize prior clustering algorithms. Experiments on datasets from multiple domains demonstrate that the presented algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art clustering schemes, including recent methods that use deep networks. …

Tensor2Tensor google
Deep Learning (DL) has enabled the rapid advancement of many useful technologies, such as machine translation, speech recognition and object detection. In the research community, one can find code open-sourced by the authors to help in replicating their results and further advancing deep learning. However, most of these DL systems use unique setups that require significant engineering effort and may only work for a specific problem or architecture, making it hard to run new experiments and compare the results.
Today, we are happy to release Tensor2Tensor (T2T), an open-source system for training deep learning models in TensorFlow. T2T facilitates the creation of state-of-the art models for a wide variety of ML applications, such as translation, parsing, image captioning and more, enabling the exploration of various ideas much faster than previously possible. This release also includes a library of datasets and models, including the best models from a few recent papers (Attention Is All You Need, Depthwise Separable Convolutions for Neural Machine Translation and One Model to Learn Them All) to help kick-start your own DL research. …

Lasagne google
In this work we propose Lasagne, a methodology to learn locality and structure aware graph node embeddings in an unsupervised way. In particular, we show that the performance of existing random-walk based approaches depends strongly on the structural properties of the graph, e.g., the size of the graph, whether the graph has a flat or upward-sloping Network Community Profile (NCP), whether the graph is expander-like, whether the classes of interest are more k-core-like or more peripheral, etc. For larger graphs with flat NCPs that are strongly expander-like, existing methods lead to random walks that expand rapidly, touching many dissimilar nodes, thereby leading to lower-quality vector representations that are less useful for downstream tasks. Rather than relying on global random walks or neighbors within fixed hop distances, Lasagne exploits strongly local Approximate Personalized PageRank stationary distributions to more precisely engineer local information into node embeddings. This leads, in particular, to more meaningful and more useful vector representations of nodes in poorly-structured graphs. We show that Lasagne leads to significant improvement in downstream multi-label classification for larger graphs with flat NCPs, that it is comparable for smaller graphs with upward-sloping NCPs, and that is comparable to existing methods for link prediction tasks. …