Graph-based Preconditioning Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for N-1 Contingency Analysis

Contingency analysis (CA) plays a critical role to guarantee operation security in the modern power systems. With the high penetration of renewable energy, a real-time and comprehensive N-1 CA is needed as a power system analysis tool to ensure system security. In this paper, a graph-based preconditioning conjugate gradient (GPCG) approach is proposed for the nodal parallel computing in N-1 CA. To pursue a higher performance in the practical application, the coefficient matrix of the base case is used as the incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioner for each N-1 scenario. Additionally, the re-dispatch strategy is employed to handle the islanding issues in CA. Finally, computation performance of the proposed GPCG approach is tested on a real provincial system in China.

Learning Deep Generative Models of Graphs

Graphs are fundamental data structures which concisely capture the relational structure in many important real-world domains, such as knowledge graphs, physical and social interactions, language, and chemistry. Here we introduce a powerful new approach for learning generative models over graphs, which can capture both their structure and attributes. Our approach uses graph neural networks to express probabilistic dependencies among a graph’s nodes and edges, and can, in principle, learn distributions over any arbitrary graph. In a series of experiments our results show that once trained, our models can generate good quality samples of both synthetic graphs as well as real molecular graphs, both unconditionally and conditioned on data. Compared to baselines that do not use graph-structured representations, our models often perform far better. We also explore key challenges of learning generative models of graphs, such as how to handle symmetries and ordering of elements during the graph generation process, and offer possible solutions. Our work is the first and most general approach for learning generative models over arbitrary graphs, and opens new directions for moving away from restrictions of vector- and sequence-like knowledge representations, toward more expressive and flexible relational data structures.

Learning Approximate Inference Networks for Structured Prediction

Structured prediction energy networks (SPENs; Belanger & McCallum 2016) use neural network architectures to define energy functions that can capture arbitrary dependencies among parts of structured outputs. Prior work used gradient descent for inference, relaxing the structured output to a set of continuous variables and then optimizing the energy with respect to them. We replace this use of gradient descent with a neural network trained to approximate structured argmax inference. This ‘inference network’ outputs continuous values that we treat as the output structure. We develop large-margin training criteria for joint training of the structured energy function and inference network. On multi-label classification we report speed-ups of 10-60x compared to (Belanger et al, 2017) while also improving accuracy. For sequence labeling with simple structured energies, our approach performs comparably to exact inference while being much faster at test time. We then demonstrate improved accuracy by augmenting the energy with a ‘label language model’ that scores entire output label sequences, showing it can improve handling of long-distance dependencies in part-of-speech tagging. Finally, we show how inference networks can replace dynamic programming for test-time inference in conditional random fields, suggestive for their general use for fast inference in structured settings.

A Bias Aware News Recommendation System

In this era of fake news and political polarization, it is desirable to have a system to enable users to access balanced news content. Current solutions focus on top down, server based approaches to decide whether a news article is fake or biased, and display only trusted news to the end users. In this paper, we follow a different approach to help the users make informed choices about which news they want to read, making users aware in real time of the bias in news articles they were browsing and recommending news articles from other sources on the same topic with different levels of bias. We use a recent Pew research report to collect news sources that readers with varying political inclinations prefer to read. We then scrape news articles on a variety of topics from these varied news sources. After this, we perform clustering to find similar topics of the articles, as well as calculate a bias score for each article. For a news article the user is currently reading, we display the bias score and also display other articles on the same topic, out of the previously collected articles, from different news sources. This we present to the user. This approach, we hope, would make it possible for users to access more balanced articles on given news topics. We present the implementation details of the system along with some preliminary results on news articles.

Bayesian Optimization for Dynamic Problems

We propose practical extensions to Bayesian optimization for solving dynamic problems. We model dynamic objective functions using spatiotemporal Gaussian process priors which capture all the instances of the functions over time. Our extensions to Bayesian optimization use the information learnt from this model to guide the tracking of a temporally evolving minimum. By exploiting temporal correlations, the proposed method also determines when to make evaluations, how fast to make those evaluations, and it induces an appropriate budget of steps based on the available information. Lastly, we evaluate our technique on synthetic and real-world problems.

Ripple Network: Propagating User Preferences on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems

To address the sparsity and cold start problem of collaborative filtering, researchers usually make use of side information, such as social networks or item attributes, to improve recommendation performance. This paper considers the knowledge graph as the source of side information. To address the limitations of existing embedding-based and path-based methods for knowledge-graph-aware recommendation, we propose Ripple Network, an end-to-end framework that naturally incorporates the knowledge graph into recommender systems. Similar to actual ripples propagating on the surface of water, Ripple Network stimulates the propagation of user preferences over the set of knowledge entities by automatically and iteratively extending a user’s potential interests along links in the knowledge graph. The multiple ‘ripples’ activated by a user’s historically clicked items are thus superposed to form the preference distribution of the user with respect to a candidate item, which could be used for predicting the final clicking probability. Through extensive experiments on real-world datasets, we demonstrate that Ripple Network achieves substantial gains in a variety of scenarios, including movie, book and news recommendation, over several state-of-the-art baselines.

Valuing knowledge, information and agency in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning: a case study in smart buildings

Increasing energy efficiency in buildings can reduce costs and emissions substantially. Historically, this has been treated as a local, or single-agent, optimization problem. However, many buildings utilize the same types of thermal equipment e.g. electric heaters and hot water vessels. During operation, occupants in these buildings interact with the equipment differently thereby driving them to diverse regions in the state-space. Reinforcement learning agents can learn from these interactions, recorded as sensor data, to optimize the overall energy efficiency. However, if these agents operate individually at a household level, they can not exploit the replicated structure in the problem. In this paper, we demonstrate that this problem can indeed benefit from multi-agent collaboration by making use of targeted exploration of the state-space allowing for better generalization. We also investigate trade-offs between integrating human knowledge and additional sensors. Results show that savings of over 40% are possible with collaborative multi-agent systems making use of either expert knowledge or additional sensors with no loss of occupant comfort. We find that such multi-agent systems comfortably outperform comparable single agent systems.

Collaborative Filtering with Graph-based Implicit Feedback

Introducing consumed items as users’ implicit feedback in matrix factorization (MF) method, SVD++ is one of the most effective collaborative filtering methods for personalized recommender systems. Though powerful, SVD++ has two limitations: (i). only user-side implicit feedback is utilized, whereas item-side implicit feedback, which can also enrich item representations, is not leveraged;(ii). in SVD++, the interacted items are equally weighted when combining the implicit feedback, which can not reflect user’s true preferences accurately. To tackle the above limitations, in this paper we propose Graph-based collaborative filtering (GCF) model, Weighted Graph-based collaborative filtering (W-GCF) model and Attentive Graph-based collaborative filtering (A-GCF) model, which (i). generalize the implicit feedback to item side based on the user-item bipartite graph; (ii). flexibly learn the weights of individuals in the implicit feedback hence improve the model’s capacity. Comprehensive experiments show that our proposed models outperform state-of-the-art models.For sparse implicit feedback scenarios, additional improvement is further achieved by leveraging the step-two implicit feedback information.

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Training Pruned Neural Networks

Recent work on neural network pruning indicates that, at training time, neural networks need to be significantly larger in size than is necessary to represent the eventual functions that they learn. This paper articulates a new hypothesis to explain this phenomenon. This conjecture, which we term the ‘lottery ticket hypothesis,’ proposes that successful training depends on lucky random initialization of a smaller subcomponent of the network. Larger networks have more of these ‘lottery tickets,’ meaning they are more likely to luck out with a subcomponent initialized in a configuration amenable to successful optimization. This paper conducts a series of experiments with XOR and MNIST that support the lottery ticket hypothesis. In particular, we identify these fortuitously-initialized subcomponents by pruning low-magnitude weights from trained networks. We then demonstrate that these subcomponents can be successfully retrained in isolation so long as the subnetworks are given the same initializations as they had at the beginning of the training process. Initialized as such, these small networks reliably converge successfully, often faster than the original network at the same level of accuracy. However, when these subcomponents are randomly reinitialized or rearranged, they perform worse than the original network. In other words, large networks that train successfully contain small subnetworks with initializations conducive to optimization. The lottery ticket hypothesis and its connection to pruning are a step toward developing architectures, initializations, and training strategies that make it possible to solve the same problems with much smaller networks.

Covering relations of k-Grassmannian permutations of type B
Massive UAV-to-Ground Communication and its Stable Movement Control: A Mean-Field Approach
Atomic motion in solids with dimpled potentials
The Noise-Sensitivity Phase Transition in Spectral Group Synchronization Over Compact Groups
Random walk in cooling random environment: ergodic limits and concentration inequalities
Exploration of Graph Computing in Power System State Estimation
A model of reward-modulated motor learning with parallelcortical and basal ganglia pathways
Join-the-Shortest Queue Diffusion Limit in Halfin-Whitt Regime: Tail Asymptotics and Scaling of Extrema
Criticality and covered area fraction in confetti percolation
Generalization in Metric Learning: Should the Embedding Layer be the Embedding Layer?
Theory for the conditioned spectral density of non-invariant random matrices
The class of $(P_7,C_4,C_5)$-free graphs: decomposition, algorithms, and $χ$-boundedness
Embedding rainbow trees with applications to graph labelling and decomposition
Analysis of Hand Segmentation in the Wild
Efficient Loss-Based Decoding On Graphs For Extreme Classification
A New Efficient Stochastic Energy Management Technique for Interconnected AC Microgrids
A New Bandwidth Selection Criterion for Analyzing Hyperspectral Data Using SVDD
Motion deblurring of faces
Nonparametric estimation of the first order Sobol indices with bootstrap bandwidth
Adversarial Training for Adverse Conditions: Robust Metric Localisation using Appearance Transfer
Robust MCMC Sampling with Non-Gaussian and Hierarchical Priors in High Dimensions
Deep Semantic Face Deblurring
Tracking by Prediction: A Deep Generative Model for Mutli-Person localisation and Tracking
Joint Estimation and Inference for Data Integration Problems based on Multiple Multi-layered Gaussian Graphical Models
Expansion for the product of matrices in groups
Indoor Scene Understanding in 2.5/3D: A Survey
Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Exceedance probability for parameter estimates
A Polynomial Kernel for Diamond-Free Editing
Learning a Discriminative Prior for Blind Image Deblurring
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Expert Finding in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks with Locally-trained Embeddings
Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Small P-values with the Cross-Entropy Method: Applications in Genomic Data Analysis
Neural Fine-Grained Entity Type Classification with Hierarchy-Aware Loss
A Phase Model Approach for Thermostatically Controlled Load Demand Response
Fast Decoding in Sequence Models using Discrete Latent Variables
High-Accuracy Low-Precision Training
Review of Visual Saliency Detection with Comprehensive Information
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Maximum Sum Rate of Slotted Aloha with Successive Interference Cancellation
Cross-View Image Synthesis using Conditional GANs
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Fusing Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Human Body Segmentation and Clothing Fashion Classification
Robust Landmark Detection for Alignment of Mouse Brain Section Images
Interference-Aware Flexible TDD Design for Massive MIMO 5G Systems
Solving Fourier ptychographic imaging problems via neural network modeling and TensorFlow
Recurrence and transience of continuous-time open quantum walks
An Adaptive Nature-inspired Fog Architecture
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On frequentist coverage errors of Bayesian credible sets in high dimensions
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Exploring the Numerics of Branch-and-Cut for Mixed Integer Linear Optimization
A user-friendly condition for exponential ergodicity in randomly switched environments
Maximal commutative subalgebras of a Grassmann algebra
A Class of Solvable Stationary Singular Stochastic Control Problems
A Stochastic Semismooth Newton Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
Monotone Matrix Estimation via Robust Deconvolution
Single Shot TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention
An Unsupervised Model with Attention Autoencoders for Question Retrieval
Highly Automated Learning for Improved Active Safety of Vulnerable Road Users
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Cooperative Starting Movement Detection of Cyclists Using Convolutional Neural Networks and a Boosted Stacking Ensemble
Nonlinear Bilateral Output-Feedback Control for a Class of Viscous Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs
The Szegö-Asymptotics for Doubly-Dispersive Gaussian Channels
Modelos de Resposta para Experimentos Randomizados em Redes Sociais de Larga Escala
Controlled viscosity in dense granular materials
Construction of neural networks for realization of localized deep learning
Generalised Operations in Free Harmonic Analysis
A Unified Form of EVENODD and RDP Codes and Their Efficient Decoding
The nonparametric location-scale mixture cure model
Generalized distance domination problems and their complexity on graphs of bounded mim-width
Improving lifecycle query in integrated toolchains using linked data and MQTT-based data warehousing
Predicting antimicrobial drug consumption using web search data
Explaining Black-box Android Malware Detection
On a limiting point process related to modified permutation matrices
Constrained hierarchical networked optimization for energy markets
Breast Tumor Classification Based on Decision Information Genes and Inverse Projection Sparse Representation
The Herzog-Schönheim Conjecture for small groups and harmonic subgroups
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Intentions of Vulnerable Road Users – Detection and Forecasting by Means of Machine Learning
The Importance of Being Recurrent for Modeling Hierarchical Structure
Towards Erdos-Hajnal for graphs with no 5-hole
A feedback control algorithm to steer networks to a Cournot-Nash equilibrium
Resolution Limits for Detecting Community Changes in Multilayer Networks
A theory of NP-completeness and ill-conditioning for approximate real computations
Learning local, quenched disorder in plasticity and other crackling noise phenomena
On Generation of Adversarial Examples using Convex Programming
On The Uplink Throughput of Zero-Forcing in Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Coarse Quantization
Random Access Schemes in Wireless Systems With Correlated User Activity
The Trade-off between Privacy and Fidelity via Ehrhart Theory
Shell Mapping for Distribution matching
A Dynamic Jamming Game for Real-Time Status Updates
Stable and Consistent Membership at Scale with Rapid
Virtual Network Embedding Approximations: Leveraging Randomized Rounding
Hourly-Similarity Based Solar Forecasting Using Multi-Model Machine Learning Blending
A local depth measure for general data
The Electric Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem
Spin systems from loop soups