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Graph Database of Academic Literature (GrapAL)
We introduce GrapAL (Graph database of Academic Literature), a versatile tool for exploring and investigating scientific literature which satisfies a variety of use cases and information needs requested by researchers. At the core of GrapAL is a Neo4j graph database with an intuitive schema and a simple query language. In this paper, we describe the basic elements of GrapAL, how to use it, and several use cases such as finding experts on a given topic for peer reviewing, discovering indirect connections between biomedical entities, and computing citation-based metrics. …

Mixed Formal Learning
This paper presents Mixed Formal Learning, a new architecture that learns models based on formal mathematical representations of the domain of interest and exposes latent variables. The second element in the architecture learns a particular skill, typically by using traditional prediction or classification mechanisms. Our key findings include that this architecture: (1) Facilitates transparency by exposing key latent variables based on a learned mathematical model; (2) Enables Low Shot and Zero Shot training of machine learning without sacrificing accuracy or recall. …

Block Term Network (BT-net)
Recently, deep neural networks (DNNs) have been regarded as the state-of-the-art classification methods in a wide range of applications, especially in image classification. Despite the success, the huge number of parameters blocks its deployment to situations with light computing resources. Researchers resort to the redundancy in the weights of DNNs and attempt to find how fewer parameters can be chosen while preserving the accuracy at the same time. Although several promising results have been shown along this research line, most existing methods either fail to significantly compress a well-trained deep network or require a heavy fine-tuning process for the compressed network to regain the original performance. In this paper, we propose the \textit{Block Term} networks (BT-nets) in which the commonly used fully-connected layers (FC-layers) are replaced with block term layers (BT-layers). In BT-layers, the inputs and the outputs are reshaped into two low-dimensional high-order tensors, then block-term decomposition is applied as tensor operators to connect them. We conduct extensive experiments on benchmark datasets to demonstrate that BT-layers can achieve a very large compression ratio on the number of parameters while preserving the representation power of the original FC-layers as much as possible. Specifically, we can get a higher performance while requiring fewer parameters compared with the tensor train method. …

Rulex is a new kind of AI platform, born from advanced government and academic machine learning research, and proven by years of deployment in diverse industries. Rulex´s unique logic-based approach to predictive analytics enables business and process experts to rapidly create and deploy AI applications with no need for math or programming skills. …

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