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Maximum Causal Tsallis Entropy (MCTE)
In this paper, we propose a novel maximum causal Tsallis entropy (MCTE) framework for imitation learning which can efficiently learn a sparse multi-modal policy distribution from demonstrations. We provide the full mathematical analysis of the proposed framework. First, the optimal solution of an MCTE problem is shown to be a sparsemax distribution, whose supporting set can be adjusted. The proposed method has advantages over a softmax distribution in that it can exclude unnecessary actions by assigning zero probability. Second, we prove that an MCTE problem is equivalent to robust Bayes estimation in the sense of the Brier score. Third, we propose a maximum causal Tsallis entropy imitation learning (MCTEIL) algorithm with a sparse mixture density network (sparse MDN) by modeling mixture weights using a sparsemax distribution. In particular, we show that the causal Tsallis entropy of an MDN encourages exploration and efficient mixture utilization while Boltzmann Gibbs entropy is less effective. We validate the proposed method in two simulation studies and MCTEIL outperforms existing imitation learning methods in terms of average returns and learning multi-modal policies. …

Huawei GaussDB is an enterprise-class AI-Native distributed database that uses the massively Parallel Processing (MPP) architecture. GaussDB supports both row and column-oriented storage and is capable of processing petabytes of data. GaussDB offers a cost-efficient, general-purpose computing platform to manage massive data sets and is compatible with a wide range of data warehousing systems, Business Intelligence (BIs) systems, and Decision Support Systems (DSSs). Huawei GaussDB integrates AI technology into the database kernel architecture and algorithms, providing users distributed databases with higher performance, higher availability, and more diverse computing power. …

Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BayesCNN)
Artificial Neural Networks are connectionist systems that perform a given task by learning on examples without having prior knowledge about the task. This is done by finding an optimal point estimate for the weights in every node. Generally, the network using point estimates as weights perform well with large datasets, but they fail to express uncertainty in regions with little or no data, leading to overconfident decisions. In this paper, Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BayesCNN) using Variational Inference is proposed, that introduces probability distribution over the weights. Furthermore, the proposed BayesCNN architecture is applied to tasks like Image Classification, Image Super-Resolution and Generative Adversarial Networks. The results are compared to point-estimates based architectures on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets for Image CLassification task, on BSD300 dataset for Image Super Resolution task and on CIFAR10 dataset again for Generative Adversarial Network task. BayesCNN is based on Bayes by Backprop which derives a variational approximation to the true posterior. We, therefore, introduce the idea of applying two convolutional operations, one for the mean and one for the variance. Our proposed method not only achieves performances equivalent to frequentist inference in identical architectures but also incorporate a measurement for uncertainties and regularisation. It further eliminates the use of dropout in the model. Moreover, we predict how certain the model prediction is based on the epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties and empirically show how the uncertainty can decrease, allowing the decisions made by the network to become more deterministic as the training accuracy increases. Finally, we propose ways to prune the Bayesian architecture and to make it more computational and time effective. …

Transductive Boltzmann Machine (TBM)
We present transductive Boltzmann machines (TBMs), which firstly achieve transductive learning of the Gibbs distribution. While exact learning of the Gibbs distribution is impossible by the family of existing Boltzmann machines due to combinatorial explosion of the sample space, TBMs overcome the problem by adaptively constructing the minimum required sample space from data to avoid unnecessary generalization. We theoretically provide bias-variance decomposition of the KL divergence in TBMs to analyze its learnability, and empirically demonstrate that TBMs are superior to the fully visible Boltzmann machines and popularly used restricted Boltzmann machines in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. …

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