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R Packages worth a look


Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4 (googlesheets4)
Interact with Google Sheets through the Sheets API v4 <https://…/api>. ‘API’ is an acronym for ‘application programming interface’; the Sheets API allows users to interact with Google Sheets programmatically, instead of via a web browser. The ‘v4’ refers to the fact that the Sheets API is currently at version 4. This package helps the user to retrieve Sheet metadata and to read data out of specific worksheets or ranges into an R object, such as a data frame.

Work with Custom Distribution Functions (pdqr)
Create, transform, and summarize custom random variables with distribution functions (analogues of ‘p*()’, ‘d*()’, ‘q*()’, and ‘r*()’ functions from base R). Two types of distributions are supported: ‘discrete’ (random variable has finite number of output values) and ‘continuous’ (infinite number of values in the form of continuous random variable). Functions for distribution transformations and summaries are available. Implemented approaches often emphasize approximate and numerical solutions: all distributions assume finite support and finite values of density function; some methods implemented with simulation techniques.

Creating Contact and Social Networks (contact)
Process spatially- and temporally-discrete data into contact and social networks, and facilitate network analysis by randomizing individuals’ movement paths and/or related categorical variables. To use this package, users need only have a dataset containing spatial data (i.e., latitude/longitude, or planar x & y coordinates), individual IDs relating spatial data to specific individuals, and date/time information relating spatial locations to temporal locations. The functionality of this package ranges from data ‘cleaning’ via multiple filtration functions, to spatial and temporal data interpolation, and network creation and analysis. Functions within this package are not limited to describing interpersonal contacts. Package functions can also identify and quantify ‘contacts’ between individuals and fixed areas (e.g., home ranges, water bodies, buildings, etc.). As such, this package is an incredibly useful resource for facilitating epidemiological, ecological, ethological and sociological research.

Higher Criticism Test of Two Frequency Counts Tables (TableHC)
Higher Criticism (HC) test between two frequency tables. Test is based on an adaptation of the Tukey-Donoho-Jin HC statistic to testing frequency tables described in Kipnis (2019) <arXiv:1911.01208>.

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