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Information Extraction Technology
With rise of digital age, there is an explosion of information in the form of news, articles, social media, and so on. Much of this data lies in unstructured form and manually managing and effectively making use of it is tedious, boring and labor intensive. This explosion of information and need for more sophisticated and efficient information handling tools gives rise to Information Extraction(IE) and Information Retrieval(IR) technology. Information Extraction systems takes natural language text as input and produces structured information specified by certain criteria, that is relevant to a particular application. Various sub-tasks of IE such as Named Entity Recognition, Coreference Resolution, Named Entity Linking, Relation Extraction, Knowledge Base reasoning forms the building blocks of various high end Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as Machine Translation, Question-Answering System, Natural Language Understanding, Text Summarization and Digital Assistants like Siri, Cortana and Google Now. This paper introduces Information Extraction technology, its various sub-tasks, highlights state-of-the-art research in various IE subtasks, current challenges and future research directions. …

Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Implicit probabilistic models are models defined naturally in terms of a sampling procedure and often induces a likelihood function that cannot be expressed explicitly. We develop a simple method for estimating parameters in implicit models that does not require knowledge of the form of the likelihood function or any derived quantities, but can be shown to be equivalent to maximizing likelihood under some conditions. Our result holds in the non-asymptotic parametric setting, where both the capacity of the model and the number of data examples are finite. We also demonstrate encouraging experimental results. …

Lovasz Convolutional Network (LCN)
Semi-supervised learning on graph structured data has received significant attention with the recent introduction of graph convolution networks (GCN). While traditional methods have focused on optimizing a loss augmented with Laplacian regularization framework, GCNs perform an implicit Laplacian type regularization to capture local graph structure. In this work, we propose Lovasz convolutional network (LCNs) which are capable of incorporating global graph properties. LCNs achieve this by utilizing Lovasz’s orthonormal embeddings of the nodes. We analyse local and global properties of graphs and demonstrate settings where LCNs tend to work better than GCNs. We validate the proposed method on standard random graph models such as stochastic block models (SBM) and certain community structure based graphs where LCNs outperform GCNs and learn more intuitive embeddings. We also perform extensive binary and multi-class classification experiments on real world datasets to demonstrate LCN’s effectiveness. In addition to simple graphs, we also demonstrate the use of LCNs on hypergraphs by identifying settings where they are expected to work better than GCNs. …

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