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R Packages worth a look


Easily Create Pretty Popup Messages (Modals) in ‘Shiny’ (shinyalert)
Easily create pretty popup messages (modals) in ‘Shiny’. A modal can contain text, images, OK/Cancel buttons, an input to get a response from the user, and many more customizable options.

Compress and Decompress ‘Snappy’ Encoded Data (snappier)
Compression and decompression with ‘Snappy’.

Tools to Support Evidence Synthesis (revtools)
Researchers commonly need to summarize scientific information, a process known as ‘evidence synthesis’. The first stage of a synthesis process (such as a systematic review or meta-analysis) is to download a list of references from academic search engines such as ‘Web of Knowledge’ or ‘Scopus’. This information can be sorted manually (the traditional approach to systematic review), or the user can draw on tools from machine learning to help them visualise patterns in the corpus. ‘revtools’ uses topic models to render ordinations of text drawn from article titles, keywords and abstracts, and allows the user to interactively select or exclude individual references, words or topics. ‘revtools’ does not currently provide tools for analysis of data drawn from those references, features that are available in other packages such as ‘metagear’ or ‘metafor’.

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