Tarjan’s Strongly Connected Components Algorithm google
Tarjan’s Algorithm (named for its discoverer, Robert Tarjan) is a graph theory algorithm for finding the strongly connected components of a graph. Although it precedes it chronologically, it can be seen as an improved version of Kosaraju’s algorithm, and is comparable in efficiency to the path-based strong component algorithm. …

OpenBLAS google
OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version. …

Bayesian Action Decoder (BAD) google
When observing the actions of others, humans carry out inferences about why the others acted as they did, and what this implies about their view of the world. Humans also use the fact that their actions will be interpreted in this manner when observed by others, allowing them to act informatively and thereby communicate efficiently with others. Although learning algorithms have recently achieved superhuman performance in a number of two-player, zero-sum games, scalable multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms that can discover effective strategies and conventions in complex, partially observable settings have proven elusive. We present the Bayesian action decoder (BAD), a new multi-agent learning method that uses an approximate Bayesian update to obtain a public belief that conditions on the actions taken by all agents in the environment. Together with the public belief, this Bayesian update effectively defines a new Markov decision process, the public belief MDP, in which the action space consists of deterministic partial policies, parameterised by deep neural networks, that can be sampled for a given public state. It exploits the fact that an agent acting only on this public belief state can still learn to use its private information if the action space is augmented to be over partial policies mapping private information into environment actions. The Bayesian update is also closely related to the theory of mind reasoning that humans carry out when observing others’ actions. We first validate BAD on a proof-of-principle two-step matrix game, where it outperforms traditional policy gradient methods. We then evaluate BAD on the challenging, cooperative partial-information card game Hanabi, where in the two-player setting the method surpasses all previously published learning and hand-coded approaches. …

RuSentRel google
In this paper we present the RuSentRel corpus including analytical texts in the sphere of international relations. For each document we annotated sentiments from the author to mentioned named entities, and sentiments of relations between mentioned entities. In the current experiments, we considered the problem of extracting sentiment relations between entities for the whole documents as a three-class machine learning task. We experimented with conventional machine-learning methods (Naive Bayes, SVM, Random Forest). …