Siamese Edge-Enhancement Network (SE2Net) google
Deep convolutional neural network significantly boosted the capability of salient object detection in handling large variations of scenes and object appearances. However, convolution operations seek to generate strong responses on individual pixels, while lack the ability to maintain the spatial structure of objects. Moreover, the down-sampling operations, such as pooling and striding, lose spatial details of the salient objects. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective Siamese Edge-Enhancement Network (SE2Net) to preserve the edge structure for salient object detection. Specifically, a novel multi-stage siamese network is built to aggregate the low-level and high-level features, and parallelly estimate the salient maps of edges and regions. As a result, the predicted regions become more accurate by enhancing the responses at edges, and the predicted edges become more semantic by suppressing the false positives in background. After the refined salient maps of edges and regions are produced by the SE2Net, an edge-guided inference algorithm is designed to further improve the resulting salient masks along the predicted edges. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets have been conducted, which show that our method is superior than the state-of-the-art approaches. …

Accumulation Chart google
We propose a new graphical format for instant-runoff voting election results. We call this proposal an ‘accumulation chart.’ This model, a modification of standard bar charts, is easy to understand, clearly indicates the winner, depicts the instant-runoff algorithm, and summarizes the votes cast. Moreover, it includes the pedigree of each accumulated vote and gives a clear depiction of candidates’ coalitions. …

Automatic Model Selection google
Neural networks and deep learning are changing the way that artificial intelligence is being done. Efficiently choosing a suitable network architecture and fine-tune its hyper-parameters for a specific dataset is a time-consuming task given the staggering number of possible alternatives. In this paper, we address the problem of model selection by means of a fully automated framework for efficiently selecting a neural network model for a given task: classification or regression. The algorithm, named Automatic Model Selection, is a modified micro-genetic algorithm that automatically and efficiently finds the most suitable neural network model for a given dataset. The main contributions of this method are a simple list based encoding for neural networks as genotypes in an evolutionary algorithm, new crossover, and mutation operators, the introduction of a fitness function that considers both, the accuracy of the model and its complexity and a method to measure the similarity between two neural networks. AMS is evaluated on two different datasets. By comparing some models obtained with AMS to state-of-the-art models for each dataset we show that AMS can automatically find efficient neural network models. Furthermore, AMS is computationally efficient and can make use of distributed computing paradigms to further boost its performance. …

Robust Dynamic Programming google
This paper presents a new theory, known as robust dynamic programming, for a class of continuous-time dynamical systems. Different from traditional dynamic programming (DP) methods, this new theory serves as a fundamental tool to analyze the robustness of DP algorithms, and in particular, to develop novel adaptive optimal control and reinforcement learning methods. In order to demonstrate the potential of this new framework, four illustrative applications in the fields of stochastic optimal control and adaptive DP are presented. Three numerical examples arising from both finance and engineering industries are also given, along with several possible extensions of the proposed framework. …