Net2Vis google
To properly convey neural network architectures in publications, appropriate visualization techniques are of great importance. While most current deep learning papers contain such visualizations, these are usually handcrafted, which results in a lack of a common visual grammar, as well as a significant time investment. Since these visualizations are often crafted just before publication, they are also prone to contain errors, might deviate from the actual architecture, and are sometimes ambiguous to interpret. Current automatic network visualization toolkits focus on debugging the network itself, and are therefore not ideal for generating publication-ready visualization, as they cater a different level of detail. Therefore, we present an approach to automate this process by translating network architectures specified in Python, into publication-ready network visualizations that can directly be embedded into any publication. To improve the readability of these visualizations, and in order to make them comparable, the generated visualizations obey to a visual grammar, which we have derived based on the analysis of existing network visualizations. Besides carefully crafted visual encodings, our grammar also incorporates abstraction through layer accumulation, as it is often done to reduce the complexity of the network architecture to be communicated. Thus, our approach not only reduces the time needed to generate publication-ready network visualizations, but also enables a unified and unambiguous visualization design. …

Variance Suppression Gradient Descent (VSSGD) google
Stochastic gradient descent updates parameters with summation gradient computed from a random data batch. This summation will lead to unbalanced training process if the data we obtained is unbalanced. To address this issue, this paper takes the error variance and error mean both into consideration. The adaptively adjusting approach of two terms trading off is also given in our algorithm. Due to this algorithm can suppress error variance, we named it Variance Suppression Gradient Descent (VSSGD). Experimental results have demonstrated that VSSGD can accelerate the training process, effectively prevent overfitting, improve the networks learning capacity from small samples. …

Grafana google
Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB. The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More. The analytics platform for all your metrics. Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored. Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team and foster a data driven culture.
Intro to Grafana: Installation, Configuration, and Building the First Dashboard

CRN++ google
Synthetic biology is a rapidly emerging research area, with expected wide-ranging impact in biology, nanofabrication, and medicine. A key technical challenge lies in embedding computation in molecular contexts where electronic micro-controllers cannot be inserted. This necessitates effective representation of computation using molecular components. While previous work established the Turing-completeness of chemical reactions, defining representations that are faithful, efficient, and practical remains challenging. This paper introduces CRN++, a new language for programming deterministic (mass-action) chemical kinetics to perform computation. We present its syntax and semantics, and build a compiler translating CRN++ programs into chemical reactions, thereby laying the foundation of a comprehensive framework for molecular programming. Our language addresses the key challenge of embedding familiar imperative constructs into a set of chemical reactions happening simultaneously and manipulating real-valued concentrations. Although some deviation from ideal output value cannot be avoided, we develop methods to minimize the error, and implement error analysis tools. We demonstrate the feasibility of using CRN++ on a suite of well-known algorithms for discrete and real-valued computation. CRN++ can be easily extended to support new commands or chemical reaction implementations, and thus provides a foundation for developing more robust and practical molecular programs. …