Apache SINGA google
SINGA is a general distributed deep learning platform for training big deep learning models over large datasets. It is designed with an intuitive programming model based on the layer abstraction. A variety of popular deep learning models are supported, namely feed-forward models including convolutional neural networks (CNN), energy models like restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), and recurrent neural networks (RNN). Many built-in layers are provided for users. SINGA architecture is sufficiently flexible to run synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid training frameworks. SINGA also supports different neural net partitioning schemes to parallelize the training of large models, namely partitioning on batch dimension, feature dimension or hybrid partitioning. …

Ontology Generative Adversarial Network google
The recent success of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) is a result of their ability to generate high quality images from a latent vector space. An important application is the generation of images from a text description, where the text description is encoded and further used in the conditioning of the generated image. Thus the generative network has to additionally learn a mapping from the text latent vector space to a highly complex and multi-modal image data distribution, which makes the training of such models challenging. To handle the complexities of fashion image and meta data, we propose Ontology Generative Adversarial Networks (O-GANs) for fashion image synthesis that is conditioned on an hierarchical fashion ontology in order to improve the image generation fidelity. We show that the incorporation of the ontology leads to better image quality as measured by Fr\'{e}chet Inception Distance and Inception Score. Additionally, we show that the O-GAN achieves better conditioning results evaluated by implicit similarity between the text and the generated image. …

TrIK-SVM google
The proposed work aims at proposing a alternative kernel decomposition in the context of kernel machines with indefinite kernels. The original paper of KSVM (SVM in Kre\v{i}n spaces) uses the eigen-decomposition, our proposition avoids this decompostion. We explain how it can help in designing an algorithm that won’t require to compute the full kernel matrix. Finally we illustrate the good behavior of the proposed method compared to KSVM. …

Multi-Layer Iterative Soft Thresholding (ML-ISTA) google
Parsimonious representations in data modeling are ubiquitous and central for processing information. Motivated by the recent Multi-Layer Convolutional Sparse Coding (ML-CSC) model, we herein generalize the traditional Basis Pursuit regression problem to a multi-layer setting, introducing similar sparse enforcing penalties at different representation layers in a symbiotic relation between synthesis and analysis sparse priors. We propose and analyze different iterative algorithms to solve this new problem in practice. We prove that the presented multi-layer Iterative Soft Thresholding (ML-ISTA) and multi-layer Fast ISTA (ML-FISTA) converge to the global optimum of our multi-layer formulation at a rate of $\mathcal{O}(1/k)$ and $\mathcal{O}(1/k^2)$, respectively. We further show how these algorithms effectively implement particular recurrent neural networks that generalize feed-forward architectures without any increase in the number of parameters. We demonstrate the different architectures resulting from unfolding the iterations of the proposed multi-layer pursuit algorithms, providing a principled way to construct deep recurrent CNNs from feed-forward ones. We demonstrate the emerging constructions by training them in an end-to-end manner, consistently improving the performance of classical networks without introducing extra filters or parameters. …