Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) google
Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) represent a widely used class of population-based metaheuristics for the solution of multicriteria optimization problems. We introduce the MOEADr package, which offers many of these variants as instantiations of a component-oriented framework. This approach contributes for easier reproducibility of existing MOEA/D variants from the literature, as well as for faster development and testing of new composite algorithms. The package offers an standardized, modular implementation of MOEA/D based on this framework, which was designed aiming at providing researchers and practitioners with a standard way to discuss and express MOEA/D variants. In this paper we introduce the design principles behind the MOEADr package, as well as its current components. Three case studies are provided to illustrate the main aspects of the package. …

DeepCheck google
Code reuse attack (CRA) is a powerful attack that reuses existing codes to hijack the program control flow. Control flow integrity (CFI) is one of the most popular mechanisms to prevent against CRAs. However, current CFI techniques are difficult to be deployed in real applications due to suffering several issues such as modifying binaries or compiler, extending instruction set architectures (ISA) and incurring unacceptable runtime overhead. To address these issues, we propose the first deep learning-based CFI technique, named DeepCheck, where the control flow graph (CFG) is split into chains for deep neural network (DNN) training. Then the integrity features of CFG can be learned by DNN to detect abnormal control flows. DeepCheck does not interrupt the application and hence incurs zero runtime overhead. Experimental results on Adobe Flash Player, Nginx, Proftpd and Firefox show that the average detection accuracy of DeepCheck is as high as 98.9%. In addition, 64 ROP exploits created by ROPGadget and Ropper are used to further test the effectiveness, which shows that the detection success rate reaches 100%. …

BUbiNG google
BUbiNG is an opensource Java fully distributed crawler; a single BUbiNG agent, using sizeable hardware, can crawl several thousands pages per second respecting strict politeness constraints, both host- and IP-based. Unlike existing open-source distributed crawlers that rely on batch techniques (like MapReduce), BUbiNG job distribution is based on modern high-speed protocols so to achieve very high throughput. …

MRAttractor google
Detecting groups of users, who have similar opinions, interests, or social behavior, has become an important task for many applications. A recent study showed that dynamic distance based Attractor, a community detection algorithm, outperformed other community detection algorithms such as Spectral clustering, Louvain and Infomap, achieving higher Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) and Adjusted Rand Index (ARI). However, Attractor often takes long time to detect communities, requiring many iterations. To overcome the drawback and handle large-scale graphs, in this paper we propose MRAttractor, an advanced version of Attractor to be runnable on a MapReduce framework. In particular, we (i) apply a sliding window technique to reduce the running time, keeping the same community detection quality; (ii) design and implement the Attractor algorithm for a MapReduce framework; and (iii) evaluate MRAttractor’s performance on synthetic and real-world datasets. Experimental results show that our algorithm significantly reduced running time and was able to handle large-scale graphs. …