Gelly google
Gelly is a Java Graph API for Flink. It contains a set of methods and utilities which aim to simplify the development of graph analysis applications in Flink. In Gelly, graphs can be transformed and modified using high-level functions similar to the ones provided by the batch processing API. Gelly provides methods to create, transform and modify graphs, as well as a library of graph algorithms.
“Apache Flink”
Research and Development Roadmap for Flink Gelly

Multi-Distance Embedding (MDE) google
Over the past decade, knowledge graphs became popular for capturing structured domain knowledge. Relational learning models enable the prediction of missing links inside knowledge graphs. More specifically, latent distance approaches model the relationships among entities via a distance between latent representations. Translating embedding models (e.g., TransE) are among the most popular latent distance approaches which use one distance function to learn multiple relation patterns. However, they are not capable of capturing symmetric relations. They also force relations with reflexive patterns to become symmetric and transitive. In order to improve distance based embedding, we propose multi-distance embeddings (MDE). Our solution is based on the idea that by learning independent embedding vectors for each entity and relation one can aggregate contrasting distance functions. Benefiting from MDE, we also develop supplementary distances resolving the above-mentioned limitations of TransE. We further propose an extended loss function for distance based embeddings and show that MDE and TransE are fully expressive using this loss function. Furthermore, we obtain a bound on the size of their embeddings for full expressivity. Our empirical results show that MDE significantly improves the translating embeddings and outperforms several state-of-the-art embedding models on benchmark datasets. …

Holonomic Gradient Method (HGM) google
The holonomic gradient method introduced by Nakayama et al. (2011) presents a new methodology for evaluating normalizing constants of probability distributions and for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimate of a statistical model. The method utilizes partial differential equations satisfied by the normalizing constant and is based on the Grobner basis theory for the ring of differential operators. In this talk we give an introduction to this new methodology. The method has already proved to be useful for problems in directional statistics and in classical multivariate distribution theory involving hypergeometric functions of matrix arguments. …

All Learning Rates At Once (Alrao) google
Hyperparameter tuning is a bothersome step in the training of deep learning models. One of the most sensitive hyperparameters is the learning rate of the gradient descent. We present the ‘All Learning Rates At Once’ (Alrao) optimization method for neural networks: each unit or feature in the network gets its own learning rate sampled from a random distribution spanning several orders of magnitude. This comes at practically no computational cost. Perhaps surprisingly, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with Alrao performs close to SGD with an optimally tuned learning rate, for various architectures and problems. Alrao could save time when testing deep learning models: a range of models could be quickly assessed with Alrao, and the most promising models could then be trained more extensively. This text comes with a PyTorch implementation of the method, which can be plugged on an existing PyTorch model. …