Knowledge-routed Deep Q-network (KR-DQN) google
Beyond current conversational chatbots or task-oriented dialogue systems that have attracted increasing attention, we move forward to develop a dialogue system for automatic medical diagnosis that converses with patients to collect additional symptoms beyond their self-reports and automatically makes a diagnosis. Besides the challenges for conversational dialogue systems (e.g. topic transition coherency and question understanding), automatic medical diagnosis further poses more critical requirements for the dialogue rationality in the context of medical knowledge and symptom-disease relations. Existing dialogue systems (Madotto, Wu, and Fung 2018; Wei et al. 2018; Li et al. 2017) mostly rely on data-driven learning and cannot be able to encode extra expert knowledge graph. In this work, we propose an End-to-End Knowledge-routed Relational Dialogue System (KR-DS) that seamlessly incorporates rich medical knowledge graph into the topic transition in dialogue management, and makes it cooperative with natural language understanding and natural language generation. A novel Knowledge-routed Deep Q-network (KR-DQN) is introduced to manage topic transitions, which integrates a relational refinement branch for encoding relations among different symptoms and symptom-disease pairs, and a knowledge-routed graph branch for topic decision-making. Extensive experiments on a public medical dialogue dataset show our KR-DS significantly beats state-of-the-art methods (by more than 8% in diagnosis accuracy). We further show the superiority of our KR-DS on a newly collected medical dialogue system dataset, which is more challenging retaining original self-reports and conversational data between patients and doctors. …

Catalyst.RL google
Despite the recent progress in deep reinforcement learning field (RL), and, arguably because of it, a large body of work remains to be done in reproducing and carefully comparing different RL algorithms. We present catalyst.RL, an open source framework for RL research with a focus on reproducibility and flexibility. Main features of our library include large-scale asynchronous distributed training, easy-to-use configuration files with the complete list of hyperparameters for the particular experiments, efficient implementations of various RL algorithms and auxiliary tricks, such as frame stacking, n-step returns, value distributions, etc. To vindicate the usefulness of our framework, we evaluate it on a range of benchmarks in a continuous control, as well as on the task of developing a controller to enable a physiologically-based human model with a prosthetic leg to walk and run. The latter task was introduced at NeurIPS 2018 AI for Prosthetics Challenge, where our team took the 3rd place, capitalizing on the ability of catalyst.RL to train high-quality and sample-efficient RL agents. …

CodedSketch google
In this paper, we propose CodedSketch, as a distributed straggler-resistant scheme to compute an approximation of the multiplication of two massive matrices. The objective is to reduce recovery threshold, defined as the total number of worker nodes that we need to wait for to be able to recover the final result. To exploit the fact that only an approximated result is required, in reducing the recovery threshold, some sorts of pre-compression is required. However, compression inherently involves some randomness that would lose the structure of the matrices. On the other hand, considering the structure of the matrices is crucial to reduce the recovery threshold. In CodedSketch, we use count–sketch, as a hash-based compression scheme, on the rows of the first and columns of the second matrix, and a structured polynomial code on the columns of the first and rows of the second matrix. This arrangement allows us to exploits the gain of both in reducing the recovery threshold. To increase the accuracy of computation, multiple independent count–sketches are needed. This independency allows us to theoretically characterize the accuracy of the result and establish the recovery threshold achieved by the proposed scheme. To guarantee the independency of resulting count–sketches in the output, while keeping its cost on the recovery threshold minimum, we use another layer of structured codes. …

OWLAx google
Once the conceptual overview, in terms of a somewhat informal class diagram, has been designed in the course of engineering an ontology, the process of adding many of the appropriate logical axioms is mostly a routine task. We provide a Protege plugin which supports this task, together with a visual user interface, based on established methods for ontology design pattern modeling. …