Estimation, Comparison and Selection of Transformations (trafo)
Estimation, selection and comparison of several families of transformations. The families of transformations included in the package are the following: …

Easily Install and Load the ‘Tidymodels’ Packages (tidymodels)
The tidy modeling ‘verse’ is a collection of package for modeling and statistical analysis that share the underlying design philosophy, grammar, and da …

Sample Size Calculations for Complex Surveys (samplesize4surveys)
Computes the required sample size for estimation of totals, means and proportions under complex sampling designs.

A Colour List and Colour Metric Based on the ISCC-NBS System of Color Designation (rolocISCCNBS)
A colour list and colour metric based on the ISCC-NBS System of Color Designation for use with the ‘roloc’ package for converting colour specifications …

Compute Directly Standardized Rates, Ratios and Differences (dsr)
A set of functions to compute and compare directly standardized rates, rate differences and ratios. A variety of user defined options for analysis (e.g …