Apriori-Graph google
Web Usage Mining is an application of Data Mining Techniques to discover interesting usage patterns from web data in order to understand and better serve the needs of web-based applications. The paper proposes an algorithm for finding these usage patterns using a modified version of Apriori Algorithm called Apriori-Graph. These rules will help service providers to predict, which web pages, the user is likely to visit next. This will optimize the website in terms of efficiency, bandwidth and will have positive economic benefits for them. The proposed Apriori Graph Algorithm O((V)(E)) works faster compared to the existing Apriori Algorithm and is well suitable for real-time application. …

Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimation google
We consider the problem of estimating a probability distribution that maximizes the entropy while satisfying a finite number of moment constraints, possibly corrupted by noise. Based on duality of convex programming, we present a novel approximation scheme using a smoothed fast gradient method that is equipped with explicit bounds on the approximation error. We further demonstrate how the presented scheme can be used for approximating the chemical master equation through the zero-information moment closure method. …

Classical Test Theory (CTT) google
Classical test theory is a body of related psychometric theory that predicts outcomes of psychological testing such as the difficulty of items or the ability of test-takers. Generally speaking, the aim of classical test theory is to understand and improve the reliability of psychological tests. Classical test theory may be regarded as roughly synonymous with true score theory. The term ‘classical’ refers not only to the chronology of these models but also contrasts with the more recent psychometric theories, generally referred to collectively as item response theory, which sometimes bear the appellation ‘modern’ as in ‘modern latent trait theory’. Classical test theory as we know it today was codified by Novick (1966) and described in classic texts such as Lord & Novick (1968) and Allen & Yen (1979/2002). The description of classical test theory below follows these seminal publications. …