Deep Transfer Network with Joint Distribution Adaptation: A New Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Framework for Industry Application

In recent years, an increasing popularity of deep learning model for intelligent condition monitoring and diagnosis as well as prognostics used for mechanical systems and structures has been observed. In the previous studies, however, a major assumption accepted by default, is that the training and testing data are taking from same feature distribution. Unfortunately, this assumption is mostly invalid in real application, resulting in a certain lack of applicability for the traditional diagnosis approaches. Inspired by the idea of transfer learning that leverages the knowledge learnt from rich labeled data in source domain to facilitate diagnosing a new but similar target task, a new intelligent fault diagnosis framework, i.e., deep transfer network (DTN), which generalizes deep learning model to domain adaptation scenario, is proposed in this paper. By extending the marginal distribution adaptation (MDA) to joint distribution adaptation (JDA), the proposed framework can exploit the discrimination structures associated with the labeled data in source domain to adapt the conditional distribution of unlabeled target data, and thus guarantee a more accurate distribution matching. Extensive empirical evaluations on three fault datasets validate the applicability and practicability of DTN, while achieving many state-of-the-art transfer results in terms of diverse operating conditions, fault severities and fault types.

Pelee: A Real-Time Object Detection System on Mobile Devices

An increasing need of running Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models on mobile devices with limited computing power and memory resource encourages studies on efficient model design. A number of efficient architectures have been proposed in recent years, for example, MobileNet, ShuffleNet, and NASNet-A. However, all these models are heavily dependent on depthwise separable convolution which lacks efficient implementation in most deep learning frameworks. In this study, we propose an efficient architecture named PeleeNet, which is built with conventional convolution instead. On ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 dataset, our proposed PeleeNet achieves a higher accuracy by 0.6% (71.3% vs. 70.7%) and 11% lower computational cost than MobileNet, the state-of-the-art efficient architecture. Meanwhile, PeleeNet is only 66% of the model size of MobileNet. We then propose a real-time object detection system by combining PeleeNet with Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) method and optimizing the architecture for fast speed. Our proposed detection system, named Pelee, achieves 76.4% mAP (mean average precision) on PASCAL VOC2007 and 22.4 mAP on MS COCO dataset at the speed of 17.1 FPS on iPhone 6s and 23.6 FPS on iPhone 8. The result on COCO outperforms YOLOv2 in consideration of a higher precision, 13.6 times lower computational cost and 11.3 times smaller model size. The code and models are open sourced.

A Study on Overfitting in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Recent years have witnessed significant progresses in deep Reinforcement Learning (RL). Empowered with large scale neural networks, carefully designed architectures, novel training algorithms and massively parallel computing devices, researchers are able to attack many challenging RL problems. However, in machine learning, more training power comes with a potential risk of more overfitting. As deep RL techniques are being applied to critical problems such as healthcare and finance, it is important to understand the generalization behaviors of the trained agents. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study of standard RL agents and find that they could overfit in various ways. Moreover, overfitting could happen “robustly”: commonly used techniques in RL that add stochasticity do not necessarily prevent or detect overfitting. In particular, the same agents and learning algorithms could have drastically different test performance, even when all of them achieve optimal rewards during training. The observations call for more principled and careful evaluation protocols in RL. We conclude with a general discussion on overfitting in RL and a study of the generalization behaviors from the perspective of inductive bias.

K-Nearest Oracles Borderline Dynamic Classifier Ensemble Selection

Dynamic Ensemble Selection (DES) techniques aim to select locally competent classifiers for the classification of each new test sample. Most DES techniques estimate the competence of classifiers using a given criterion over the region of competence of the test sample (its the nearest neighbors in the validation set). The K-Nearest Oracles Eliminate (KNORA-E) DES selects all classifiers that correctly classify all samples in the region of competence of the test sample, if such classifier exists, otherwise, it removes from the region of competence the sample that is furthest from the test sample, and the process repeats. When the region of competence has samples of different classes, KNORA-E can reduce the region of competence in such a way that only samples of a single class remain in the region of competence, leading to the selection of locally incompetent classifiers that classify all samples in the region of competence as being from the same class. In this paper, we propose two DES techniques: K-Nearest Oracles Borderline (KNORA-B) and K-Nearest Oracles Borderline Imbalanced (KNORA-BI). KNORA-B is a DES technique based on KNORA-E that reduces the region of competence but maintains at least one sample from each class that is in the original region of competence. KNORA-BI is a variation of KNORA-B for imbalance datasets that reduces the region of competence but maintains at least one minority class sample if there is any in the original region of competence. Experiments are conducted comparing the proposed techniques with 19 DES techniques from the literature using 40 datasets. The results show that the proposed techniques achieved interesting results, with KNORA-BI outperforming state-of-art techniques.

Distributed Simulation and Distributed Inference

Independent samples from an unknown probability distribution \mathbf{p} on a domain of size k are distributed across n players, with each player holding one sample. Each player can communicate \ell bits to a central referee in a simultaneous message passing (SMP) model of communication to help the referee infer a property of the unknown \mathbf{p}. When \ell\geq\log k bits, the problem reduces to the well-studied collocated case where all the samples are available in one place. In this work, we focus on the communication-starved setting of \ell < \log k, in which the landscape may change drastically. We propose a general formulation for inference problems in this distributed setting, and instantiate it to two prototypical inference questions: learning and uniformity testing.

Operator limits of random matrices

We present a brief introduction to the theory of operator limits of random matrices to non-experts. Several open problems and conjectures are given. Connections to statistics, integrable systems, orthogonal polynomials, and more, are discussed.

Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

In this work, we propose Adversarial Complementary Learning (ACoL) to automatically localize integral objects of semantic interest with weak supervision. We first mathematically prove that class localization maps can be obtained by directly selecting the class-specific feature maps of the last convolutional layer, which paves a simple way to identify object regions. We then present a simple network architecture including two parallel-classifiers for object localization. Specifically, we leverage one classification branch to dynamically localize some discriminative object regions during the forward pass. Although it is usually responsive to sparse parts of the target objects, this classifier can drive the counterpart classifier to discover new and complementary object regions by erasing its discovered regions from the feature maps. With such an adversarial learning, the two parallel-classifiers are forced to leverage complementary object regions for classification and can finally generate integral object localization together. The merits of ACoL are mainly two-fold: 1) it can be trained in an end-to-end manner; 2) dynamically erasing enables the counterpart classifier to discover complementary object regions more effectively. We demonstrate the superiority of our ACoL approach in a variety of experiments. In particular, the Top-1 localization error rate on the ILSVRC dataset is 45.14%, which is the new state-of-the-art.

GNAS: A Greedy Neural Architecture Search Method for Multi-Attribute Learning

A key problem in deep multi-attribute learning is to effectively discover the inter-attribute correlation structures. Typically, the conventional deep multi-attribute learning approaches follow the pipeline of manually designing the network architectures based on task-specific expertise prior knowledge and careful network tunings, leading to the inflexibility for various complicated scenarios in practice. Motivated by addressing this problem, we propose an efficient greedy neural architecture search approach (GNAS) to automatically discover the optimal tree-like deep architecture for multi-attribute learning. In a greedy manner, GNAS divides the optimization of global architecture into the optimizations of individual connections step by step. By iteratively updating the local architectures, the global tree-like architecture gets converged where the bottom layers are shared across relevant attributes and the branches in top layers more encode attribute-specific features. Experiments on three benchmark multi-attribute datasets show the effectiveness and compactness of neural architectures derived by GNAS, and also demonstrate the efficiency of GNAS in searching neural architectures.

On time-inconsistent stopping problems and mixed strategy stopping times

A game-theoretic framework for time-inconsistent stopping problems where the time-inconsistency is due to the consideration of a non-linear function of an expected reward is developed. A class of mixed strategy stopping times that allows the agents in the game to choose the intensity function of a Cox process is introduced. A subgame perfect Nash equilibrium is defined. The equilibrium is characterized and other results with different necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium are proven. This includes a smooth fit result. A mean-variance problem and a variance problem are studied as examples. The state process is a general one-dimensional It\^{o} diffusion.

Learning to Extract Coherent Summary via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Coherence plays a critical role in producing a high-quality summary from a document. In recent years, neural extractive summarization is becoming increasingly attractive. However, most of them ignore the coherence of summaries when extracting sentences. As an effort towards extracting coherent summaries, we propose a neural coherence model to capture the cross-sentence semantic and syntactic coherence patterns. The proposed neural coherence model obviates the need for feature engineering and can be trained in an end-to-end fashion using unlabeled data. Empirical results show that the proposed neural coherence model can efficiently capture the cross-sentence coherence patterns. Using the combined output of the neural coherence model and ROUGE package as the reward, we design a reinforcement learning method to train a proposed neural extractive summarizer which is named Reinforced Neural Extractive Summarization (RNES) model. The RNES model learns to optimize coherence and informative importance of the summary simultaneously. Experimental results show that the proposed RNES outperforms existing baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance in term of ROUGE on CNN/Daily Mail dataset. The qualitative evaluation indicates that summaries produced by RNES are more coherent and readable.

Semantic Adversarial Deep Learning

Fueled by massive amounts of data, models produced by machine-learning (ML) algorithms, especially deep neural networks, are being used in diverse domains where trustworthiness is a concern, including automotive systems, finance, health care, natural language processing, and malware detection. Of particular concern is the use of ML algorithms in cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as self-driving cars and aviation, where an adversary can cause serious consequences. However, existing approaches to generating adversarial examples and devising robust ML algorithms mostly ignore the semantics and context of the overall system containing the ML component. For example, in an autonomous vehicle using deep learning for perception, not every adversarial example for the neural network might lead to a harmful consequence. Moreover, one may want to prioritize the search for adversarial examples towards those that significantly modify the desired semantics of the overall system. Along the same lines, existing algorithms for constructing robust ML algorithms ignore the specification of the overall system. In this paper, we argue that the semantics and specification of the overall system has a crucial role to play in this line of research. We present preliminary research results that support this claim.

Attacking Convolutional Neural Network using Differential Evolution

The output of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) has been shown to be discontinuous which can make the CNN image classifier vulnerable to small well-tuned artificial perturbations. That is, images modified by adding such perturbations(i.e. adversarial perturbations) that make little difference to human eyes, can completely alter the CNN classification results. In this paper, we propose a practical attack using differential evolution(DE) for generating effective adversarial perturbations. We comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of different types of DEs for conducting the attack on different network structures. The proposed method is a black-box attack which only requires the miracle feedback of the target CNN systems. The results show that under strict constraints which simultaneously control the number of pixels changed and overall perturbation strength, attacking can achieve 72.29%, 78.24% and 61.28% non-targeted attack success rates, with 88.68%, 99.85% and 73.07% confidence on average, on three common types of CNNs. The attack only requires modifying 5 pixels with 20.44, 14.76 and 22.98 pixel values distortion. Thus, the result shows that the current DNNs are also vulnerable to such simpler black-box attacks even under very limited attack conditions.

Detecting Regions of Maximal Divergence for Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection

Automatic detection of anomalies in space- and time-varying measurements is an important tool in several fields, e.g., fraud detection, climate analysis, or healthcare monitoring. We present an algorithm for detecting anomalous regions in multivariate spatio-temporal time-series, which allows for spotting the interesting parts in large amounts of data, including video and text data. In opposition to existing techniques for detecting isolated anomalous data points, we propose the ‘Maximally Divergent Intervals’ (MDI) framework for unsupervised detection of coherent spatial regions and time intervals characterized by a high Kullback-Leibler divergence compared with all other data given. In this regard, we define an unbiased Kullback-Leibler divergence that allows for ranking regions of different size and show how to enable the algorithm to run on large-scale data sets in reasonable time using an interval proposal technique. Experiments on both synthetic and real data from various domains, such as climate analysis, video surveillance, and text forensics, demonstrate that our method is widely applicable and a valuable tool for finding interesting events in different types of data.

Putting Question-Answering Systems into Practice: Transfer Learning for Efficient Domain Customization

Traditional information retrieval (such as that offered by web search engines) impedes users with information overload from extensive result pages and the need to manually locate the desired information therein. Conversely, question-answering systems change how humans interact with information systems: users can now ask specific questions and obtain a tailored answer – both conveniently in natural language. Despite obvious benefits, their use is often limited to an academic context, largely because of expensive domain customizations, which means that the performance in domain-specific applications often fails to meet expectations. This paper presents cost-efficient remedies: a selection mechanism increases the precision of document retrieval and a fused approach to transfer learning is proposed in order to improve the performance of answer extraction. Here knowledge is inductively transferred from a related, yet different, tasks to the domain-specific application, while accounting for potential differences in the sample sizes across both tasks. The resulting performance is demonstrated with an actual use case from a finance company, where fewer than 400 question-answer pairs had to be annotated in order to yield significant performance gains. As a direct implication to management, this presents a promising path to better leveraging of knowledge stored in information systems.

Instance Selection Improves Geometric Mean Accuracy: A Study on Imbalanced Data Classification

A natural way of handling imbalanced data is to attempt to equalise the class frequencies and train the classifier of choice on balanced data. For two-class imbalanced problems, the classification success is typically measured by the geometric mean (GM) of the true positive and true negative rates. Here we prove that GM can be improved upon by instance selection, and give the theoretical conditions for such an improvement. We demonstrate that GM is non-monotonic with respect to the number of retained instances, which discourages systematic instance selection. We also show that balancing the distribution frequencies is inferior to a direct maximisation of GM. To verify our theoretical findings, we carried out an experimental study of 12 instance selection methods for imbalanced data, using 66 standard benchmark data sets. The results reveal possible room for new instance selection methods for imbalanced data.

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