RStudio’ Addin Manager (rsam)
Toggle ‘RStudio’ addins on and off to hide in the IDE dropdown list and set/remove keyboard shortcuts for installed addins.

Models of Trait Macroevolution on Trees (motmot.2.0)
Functions for fitting models of trait evolution on phylogenies for continuous traits. The majority of functions described in Thomas and Freckleton (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00132.x> and include functions that allow for tests of variation in the rates of trait evolution.

Transformation Trees and Forests (trtf)
Recursive partytioning of transformation models with corresponding random forest for conditional transformation models as described in ‘Transformation Forests’ (Hothorn and Zeileis, 2017, <arXiv:1701.02110>) and ‘Top-Down Transformation Choice’ (Hothorn, 2017, <arXiv:1706.08269>).

Classical Age-Depth Modelling of Cores from Deposits (clam)
Performs ‘classical’ age-depth modelling of dated sediment deposits – prior to applying more sophisticated techniques such as Bayesian age-depth modelling. Any radiocarbon dated depths are calibrated. Age-depth models are constructed by sampling repeatedly from the dated levels, each time drawing age-depth curves. Model types include linear interpolation, linear or polynomial regression, and a range of splines. See Blaauw (2010). <doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2010.01.002>.

Network-based Interpretation of Changes in Compositional Data (SARP.compo)
Provides a set of functions to interpret changes in compositional data based on a network representation of all pairwise ratio comparisons: computation of all pairwise ratio, construction of a p-value matrix of all pairwise tests of these ratios between conditions, conversion of this matrix to a network.