A Bayesian Covariance Graphical And Latent Position Model For Multivariate Financial Time Series

Current understanding holds that financial contagion is driven mainly by the system-wide interconnectedness of institutions. A distinction has been made between systematic and idiosyncratic channels of contagion, with shocks transmitted through the latter expected to be substantially more likely to lead to systemic crisis than through the former. Idiosyncratic connectivity is thought to be driven not simply by obviously shared characteristics among institutions, but more by latent characteristics that lead to the holding of related securities. We develop a graphical model for multivariate financial time series with interest in uncovering the latent positions of nodes in a network intended to capture idiosyncratic relationships. We propose a hierarchical model consisting of a VAR, a covariance graphical model (CGM) and a latent position model (LPM). The VAR enables us to extract useful information on the idiosyncratic components, which are used by the CGM to model the network and the LPM uncovers the spatial position of the nodes. We also develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that iterates between sampling parameters of the CGM and the LPM, using samples from the latter to update prior information for covariance graph selection. We show empirically that modeling the idiosyncratic channel of contagion using our approach can relate latent institutional features to systemic vulnerabilities prior to a crisis.

Adversarial Examples: Attacks and Defenses for Deep Learning

With rapid progress and great successes in a wide spectrum of applications, deep learning is being applied in many safety-critical environments. However, deep neural networks have been recently found vulnerable to well-designed input samples, called \textit{adversarial examples}. Adversarial examples are imperceptible to human but can easily fool deep neural networks in the testing/deploying stage. The vulnerability to adversarial examples becomes one of the major risks for applying deep neural networks in safety-critical scenarios. Therefore, the attacks and defenses on adversarial examples draw great attention. In this paper, we review recent findings on adversarial examples against deep neural networks, summarize the methods for generating adversarial examples, and propose a taxonomy of these methods. Under the taxonomy, applications and countermeasures for adversarial examples are investigated. We further elaborate on adversarial examples and explore the challenges and the potential solutions.

MEBoost: Mixing Estimators with Boosting for Imbalanced Data Classification

Class imbalance problem has been a challenging research problem in the fields of machine learning and data mining as most real life datasets are imbalanced. Several existing machine learning algorithms try to maximize the accuracy classification by correctly identifying majority class samples while ignoring the minority class. However, the concept of the minority class instances usually represents a higher interest than the majority class. Recently, several cost sensitive methods, ensemble models and sampling techniques have been used in literature in order to classify imbalance datasets. In this paper, we propose MEBoost, a new boosting algorithm for imbalanced datasets. MEBoost mixes two different weak learners with boosting to improve the performance on imbalanced datasets. MEBoost is an alternative to the existing techniques such as SMOTEBoost, RUSBoost, Adaboost, etc. The performance of MEBoost has been evaluated on 12 benchmark imbalanced datasets with state of the art ensemble methods like SMOTEBoost, RUSBoost, Easy Ensemble, EUSBoost, DataBoost. Experimental results show significant improvement over the other methods and it can be concluded that MEBoost is an effective and promising algorithm to deal with imbalance datasets.

Accurate Inference for Adaptive Linear Models

Estimators computed from adaptively collected data do not behave like their non-adaptive brethren. Rather, the sequential dependence of the collection policy can lead to severe distributional biases that persist even in the infinite data limit. We develop a general method decorrelation procedure — W-decorrelation — for transforming the bias of adaptive linear regression estimators into variance. The method uses only coarse-grained information about the data collection policy and does not need access to propensity scores or exact knowledge of the policy. We bound the finite-sample bias and variance of the W-estimator and develop asymptotically correct confidence intervals based on a novel martingale central limit theorem. We then demonstrate the empirical benefits of the generic W-decorrelation procedure in two different adaptive data settings: the multi-armed bandits and autoregressive time series models.

Multilingual Topic Models

Scientific publications have evolved several features for mitigating vocabulary mismatch when indexing, retrieving, and computing similarity between articles. These mitigation strategies range from simply focusing on high-value article sections, such as titles and abstracts, to assigning keywords, often from controlled vocabularies, either manually or through automatic annotation. Various document representation schemes possess different cost-benefit tradeoffs. In this paper, we propose to model different representations of the same article as translations of each other, all generated from a common latent representation in a multilingual topic model. We start with a methodological overview on latent variable models for parallel document representations that could be used across many information science tasks. We then show how solving the inference problem of mapping diverse representations into a shared topic space allows us to evaluate representations based on how topically similar they are to the original article. In addition, our proposed approach provides means to discover where different concept vocabularies require improvement.

Approximate Correlation Clustering Using Same-Cluster Queries

Ashtiani et al. (NIPS 2016) introduced a semi-supervised framework for clustering (SSAC) where a learner is allowed to make same-cluster queries. More specifically, in their model, there is a query oracle that answers queries of the form given any two vertices, do they belong to the same optimal cluster?. Ashtiani et al. showed the usefulness of such a query framework by giving a polynomial time algorithm for the k-means clustering problem where the input dataset satisfies some separation condition. Ailon et al. extended the above work to the approximation setting by giving an efficient (1+\eps)-approximation algorithm for k-means for any small \eps > 0 and any dataset within the SSAC framework. In this work, we extend this line of study to the correlation clustering problem. Correlation clustering is a graph clustering problem where pairwise similarity (or dissimilarity) information is given for every pair of vertices and the objective is to partition the vertices into clusters that minimise the disagreement (or maximises agreement) with the pairwise information given as input. These problems are popularly known as MinDisAgree and MaxAgree problems, and MinDisAgree[k] and MaxAgree[k] are versions of these problems where the number of optimal clusters is at most k. There exist Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes (PTAS) for MinDisAgree[k] and MaxAgree[k] where the approximation guarantee is (1+\eps) for any small \eps and the running time is polynomial in the input parameters but exponential in k and 1/\eps. We obtain an (1+\eps)-approximation algorithm for any small \eps with running time that is polynomial in the input parameters and also in k and 1/\eps. We also give non-trivial upper and lower bounds on the number of same-cluster queries, the lower bound being based on the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH).

Any-gram Kernels for Sentence Classification: A Sentiment Analysis Case Study

Any-gram kernels are a flexible and efficient way to employ bag-of-n-gram features when learning from textual data. They are also compatible with the use of word embeddings so that word similarities can be accounted for. While the original any-gram kernels are implemented on top of tree kernels, we propose a new approach which is independent of tree kernels and is more efficient. We also propose a more effective way to make use of word embeddings than the original any-gram formulation. When applied to the task of sentiment classification, our new formulation achieves significantly better performance.

Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Networks

We propose a data-driven framework for optimizing privacy-preserving data release mechanisms toward the information-theoretically optimal tradeoff between minimizing distortion of useful data and concealing sensitive information. Our approach employs adversarially-trained neural networks to implement randomized mechanisms and to perform a variational approximation of mutual information privacy. We empirically validate our Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Networks (PPAN) framework with experiments conducted on discrete and continuous synthetic data, as well as the MNIST handwritten digits dataset. With the synthetic data, we find that our model-agnostic PPAN approach achieves tradeoff points very close to the optimal tradeoffs that are analytically-derived from model knowledge. In experiments with the MNIST data, we visually demonstrate a learned tradeoff between minimizing the pixel-level distortion versus concealing the written digit.

Snake: a Stochastic Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Regularized Problems over Large Graphs

A regularized optimization problem over a large unstructured graph is studied, where the regularization term is tied to the graph geometry. Typical regularization examples include the total variation and the Laplacian regularizations over the graph. When applying the proximal gradient algorithm to solve this problem, there exist quite affordable methods to implement the proximity operator (backward step) in the special case where the graph is a simple path without loops. In this paper, an algorithm, referred to as ‘Snake’, is proposed to solve such regularized problems over general graphs, by taking benefit of these fast methods. The algorithm consists in properly selecting random simple paths in the graph and performing the proximal gradient algorithm over these simple paths. This algorithm is an instance of a new general stochastic proximal gradient algorithm, whose convergence is proven. Applications to trend filtering and graph inpainting are provided among others. Numerical experiments are conducted over large graphs.

On Data-Dependent Random Features for Improved Generalization in Supervised Learning

The randomized-feature approach has been successfully employed in large-scale kernel approximation and supervised learning. The distribution from which the random features are drawn impacts the number of features required to efficiently perform a learning task. Recently, it has been shown that employing data-dependent randomization improves the performance in terms of the required number of random features. In this paper, we are concerned with the randomized-feature approach in supervised learning for good generalizability. We propose the Energy-based Exploration of Random Features (EERF) algorithm based on a data-dependent score function that explores the set of possible features and exploits the promising regions. We prove that the proposed score function with high probability recovers the spectrum of the best fit within the model class. Our empirical results on several benchmark datasets further verify that our method requires smaller number of random features to achieve a certain generalization error compared to the state-of-the-art while introducing negligible pre-processing overhead. EERF can be implemented in a few lines of code and requires no additional tuning parameters.

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Network-complement transitions, symmetries, and cluster synchronization
Activity and Circadian Rhythm of Sepsis Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Fast permutation tests and related methods, for association between rare variants and binary outcomes
When Not to Classify: Anomaly Detection of Attacks (ADA) on DNN Classifiers at Test Time
Objects that Sound
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Asymptotic Coupling and Its Applications in Information Theory
Minimax spectral radius and stabilizability of discrete-time linear switching control systems
The Edge-Wiener Index and the Edge-Hyper-Wiener Index of Phenylenes
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Single Image Deraining using Scale-Aware Multi-Stage Recurrent Network
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On Fan-Crossing Graphs
Graphons, permutons and the Thoma simplex: three mod-Gaussian moduli spaces
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MUDA: A Truthful Multi-Unit Double-Auction Mechanism
Subword and Crossword Units for CTC Acoustic Models
End-to-end weakly-supervised semantic alignment
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Cross-language Framework for Word Recognition and Spotting of Indic Scripts
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Bipartite Graph Matching for Keyframe Summary Evaluation
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Bayesian Latent-Normal Inference for the Rank Sum Test, the Signed Rank Test, and Spearman’s $ρ$
Methodological and computational aspects of parallel tempering methods in the infinite swapping limit
Unsupervised Word Mapping Using Structural Similarities in Monolingual Embeddings
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Nonparametric MANOVA in Mann-Whitney effects
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Fractional Elliptic Quasi-Variational Inequalities: Theory and Numerics
Bilinear residual Neural Network for the identification and forecasting of dynamical systems
On Sundaram’s full bijection
Connection probabilities in the Poisson Miller-Abrahams random resistor network and other Poisson random graphs with bounded edges
Automatic Renal Segmentation in DCE-MRI using Convolutional Neural Networks
Homomorphism thresholds for odd cycles
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The cavity approach for Steiner trees Packing problems
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On dominating set polyhedra of circular interval graphs
A Decoding Algorithm for Rank Metric Codes
Covert Wireless Communication with a Poisson Field of Interferers
Generalized Turán problems for disjoint copies of graphs
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Generalized Turán problems for even cycles
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Operator-scaling Gaussian random fields via aggregation
A Reinforcement-Learning Approach to Proactive Caching in Wireless Networks
Transversals of Longest Paths
A Collection of Lower Bounds for Online Matching on the Line
Improving End-to-End Speech Recognition with Policy Learning
Exploring High-Dimensional Structure via Axis-Aligned Decomposition of Linear Projections
Improved Regularization Techniques for End-to-End Speech Recognition
Generalizations of Edge Overlap to Weighted and Directed Networks
Query-Efficient Black-box Adversarial Examples