Tensorized LSTM google
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a popular approach to boosting the ability of Recurrent Neural Networks to store longer term temporal information. The capacity of an LSTM network can be increased by widening and adding layers. However, usually the former introduces additional parameters, while the latter increases the runtime. As an alternative we propose the Tensorized LSTM in which the hidden states are represented by tensors and updated via a cross-layer convolution. By increasing the tensor size, the network can be widened efficiently without additional parameters since the parameters are shared across different locations in the tensor; by delaying the output, the network can be deepened implicitly with little additional runtime since deep computations for each timestep are merged into temporal computations of the sequence. Experiments conducted on five challenging sequence learning tasks show the potential of the proposed model. …

Cross-Lingual Text Classification (CLTC) google
Cross-lingual text classification(CLTC) is the task of classifying documents written in different languages into the same taxonomy of categories. …

Big Data Management (BDM) google
Big Data Management (BDM), an amalgam of old and new best practices, skills, teams, data types, and home-grown or vendor-built functionality. All of these are expanding and realigning so that businesses can fully leverage big data, not merely manage it. At the same time, big data must eventually find a permanent place in enterprise data management. BDM is well worth doing because managing big data leads to a number of benefits. According to this report’s survey, the business and technology tasks that improve most are analytic insights, the completeness of analytic data sets, business value drawn from big data, and all sales and marketing activities. BDM also has challenges, and common barriers include low organizational maturity relative to big data, weak business support, and the need to learn new technology approaches. …