Maximum Margin Interval Trees

Learning a regression function using censored or interval-valued output data is an important problem in fields such as genomics and medicine. The goal is to learn a real-valued prediction function, and the training output labels indicate an interval of possible values. Whereas most existing algorithms for this task are linear models, in this paper we investigate learning nonlinear tree models. We propose to learn a tree by minimizing a margin-based discriminative objective function, and we provide a dynamic programming algorithm for computing the optimal solution in log-linear time. We show empirically that this algorithm achieves state-of-the-art speed and prediction accuracy in a benchmark of several data sets.

ALAN: Adaptive Learning for Multi-Agent Navigation

In multi-agent navigation, agents need to move towards their goal locations while avoiding collisions with other agents and static obstacles, often without communication with each other. Existing methods compute motions that are optimal locally but do not account for the aggregated motions of all agents, producing inefficient global behavior especially when agents move in a crowded space. In this work, we develop methods to allow agents to dynamically adapt their behavior to their local conditions. We accomplish this by formulating the multi-agent navigation problem as an action-selection problem, and propose an approach, ALAN, that allows agents to compute time-efficient and collision-free motions. ALAN is highly scalable because each agent makes its own decisions on how to move using a set of velocities optimized for a variety of navigation tasks. Experimental results show that the agents using ALAN, in general, reach their destinations faster than using ORCA, a state-of-the-art collision avoidance framework, the Social Forces model for pedestrian navigation, and a Predictive collision avoidance model.

What Would a Graph Look Like in This Layout? A Machine Learning Approach to Large Graph Visualization

Using different methods for laying out a graph can lead to very different visual appearances, with which the viewer perceives different information. Selecting a ‘good’ layout method is thus important for visualizing a graph. The selection can be highly subjective and dependent on the given task. A common approach to selecting a good layout is to use aesthetic criteria and visual inspection. However, fully calculating various layouts and their associated aesthetic metrics is computationally expensive. In this paper, we present a machine learning approach to large graph visualization based on computing the topological similarity of graphs using graph kernels. For a given graph, our approach can show what the graph would look like in different layouts and estimate their corresponding aesthetic metrics. An important contribution of our work is the development of a new framework to design graph kernels. Our experimental study shows that our estimation calculation is considerably faster than computing the actual layouts and their aesthetic metrics. Also, our graph kernels outperform the state-of-the-art ones in both time and accuracy. In addition, we conducted a user study to demonstrate that the topological similarity computed with our graph kernel matches perceptual similarity assessed by human users.

Deep Learning in Multiple Multistep Time Series Prediction

The project aims to research on combining deep learning specifically Long-Short Memory (LSTM) and basic statistics in multiple multistep time series prediction. LSTM can dive into all the pages and learn the general trends of variation in a large scope, while the well selected medians for each page can keep the special seasonality of different pages so that the future trend will not fluctuate too much from the reality. A recent Kaggle competition on 145K Web Traffic Time Series Forecasting [1] is used to thoroughly illustrate and test this idea.

Sum-Product-Quotient Networks

We present a novel tractable generative model that extends Sum-Product Networks (SPNs) and significantly boost their power. We call it Sum-Product-Quotient Networks (SPQNs), whose core concept is to incorporate conditional distributions into the model by direct computation using quotient nodes, e.g. P(A|B){=}\frac{P(A,B)}{P(B)}. We provide sufficient conditions for the tractability of SPQNs that generalize and relax the decomposable and complete tractability conditions of SPNs. These relaxed conditions give rise to an exponential boost to the expressive efficiency of our model, i.e. we prove that there are distributions which SPQNs can compute efficiently but require SPNs to be of exponential size. Thus, we narrow the gap in expressivity between tractable graphical models and other Neural Network-based generative models.

Querying Best Paths in Graph Databases

Querying graph databases has recently received much attention. We propose a new approach to this problem, which balances competing goals of expressive power, language clarity and computational complexity. A distinctive feature of our approach is the ability to express properties of minimal (e.g. shortest) and maximal (e.g. most valuable) paths satisfying given criteria. To express complex properties in a modular way, we introduce labelling-generating ontologies. The resulting formalism is computationally attractive — queries can be answered in non-deterministic logarithmic space in the size of the database.

Self-Taught Support Vector Machine

In this paper, a new approach for classification of target task using limited labeled target data as well as enormous unlabeled source data is proposed which is called self-taught learning. The target and source data can be drawn from different distributions. In the previous approaches, covariate shift assumption is considered where the marginal distributions p(x) change over domains and the conditional distributions p(y|x) remain the same. In our approach, we propose a new objective function which simultaneously learns a common space T(.) where the conditional distributions over domains p(T(x)|y) remain the same and learns robust SVM classifiers for target task using both source and target data in the new representation. Hence, in the proposed objective function, the hidden label of the source data is also incorporated. We applied the proposed approach on Caltech-256, MSRC+LMO datasets and compared the performance of our algorithm to the available competing methods. Our method has a superior performance to the successful existing algorithms.

New efficient algorithms for multiple change-point detection with kernels

Several statistical approaches based on reproducing kernels have been proposed to detect abrupt changes arising in the full distribution of the observations and not only in the mean or variance. Some of these approaches enjoy good statistical properties (oracle inequality, \ldots). Nonetheless, they have a high computational cost both in terms of time and memory. This makes their application difficult even for small and medium sample sizes (n< 10^4). This computational issue is addressed by first describing a new efficient and exact algorithm for kernel multiple change-point detection with an improved worst-case complexity that is quadratic in time and linear in space. It allows dealing with medium size signals (up to n \approx 10^5). Second, a faster but approximation algorithm is described. It is based on a low-rank approximation to the Gram matrix. It is linear in time and space. This approximation algorithm can be applied to large-scale signals (n \geq 10^6). These exact and approximation algorithms have been implemented in \texttt{R} and \texttt{C} for various kernels. The computational and statistical performances of these new algorithms have been assessed through empirical experiments. The runtime of the new algorithms is observed to be faster than that of other considered procedures. Finally, simulations confirmed the higher statistical accuracy of kernel-based approaches to detect changes that are not only in the mean. These simulations also illustrate the flexibility of kernel-based approaches to analyze complex biological profiles made of DNA copy number and allele B frequencies. An R package implementing the approach will be made available on github.

Is Epicurus the father of Reinforcement Learning?

The Epicurean Philosophy is commonly thought as simplistic and hedonistic. Here I discuss how this is a misconception and explore its link to Reinforcement Learning. Based on the letters of Epicurus, I construct an objective function for hedonism which turns out to be equivalent of the Reinforcement Learning objective function when omitting the discount factor. I then discuss how Plato and Aristotle ‘s views that can be also loosely linked to Reinforcement Learning, as well as their weaknesses in relationship to it. Finally, I emphasise the close affinity of the Epicurean views and the Bellman equation.

Joint Image Filtering with Deep Convolutional Networks
Subsampling large graphs and invariance in networks
Machine Learning Bell Nonlocality in Quantum Many-body Systems
Gapless insulating edges of dirty interacting topological insulators
Regression-aware decompositions
Universal layered permutations
Monotonicity axioms in approval-based multi-winner voting rules
Local Convergence of Proximal Splitting Methods for Rank Constrained Problems
Multipoint Estimates for Radial and Whole-plane SLE
Solutions of Quadratic First-Order ODEs applied to Computer Vision Problems
Stochastic Gradient Descent in Continuous Time: A Central Limit Theorem
Short and Long Ranged Impurities in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
Physical-Layer Network Coding with Multiple Antennas: An Enabling Technology for Smart Cities
On the local stability of semidefinite relaxations
What can spin glass theory and analogies tell us about ferroic glasses?
Modeling and sensitivity analysis methodology for hybrid dynamical systems
Recurrence sequences connected with the $m$–ary partition function and their divisibility properties
Measurement Context Extraction from Text: Discovering Opportunities and Gaps in Earth Science
Harvested Power Maximization in QoS-Constrained MIMO SWIPT with Generic RF Harvesting Model
Explaining Trained Neural Networks with Semantic Web Technologies: First Steps
Improved Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates
Efficient Data-Driven Geologic Feature Detection from Pre-stack Seismic Measurements using Randomized Machine-Learning Algorithm
Modular decomposition of transitive graphs and transitively orienting their complements
DisSent: Sentence Representation Learning from Explicit Discourse Relations
One-sided solutions for optimal stopping problems with logconcave reward functions
Learning Koopman Invariant Subspaces for Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Using Context Events in Neural Network Models for Event Temporal Status Identification
A Finite Element Computational Framework for Active Contours on Graphs
Asymptotic theory for maximum likelihood estimates in reduced-rank multivariate generalised linear models
A Unified Neural Network Approach for Estimating Travel Time and Distance for a Taxi Trip
Enhanced Mobile Computing Experience with Cloud Offloading
Designing Low-Complexity Heavy-Traffic Delay-Optimal Load Balancing Schemes: Theory to Algorithms
Fast initial guess estimation for digital image correlation
Linear Programming Bounds for Distributed Storage Codes
Utility maximization problem under transaction costs: optimal dual processes and stability
The Inverse Gamma-Gamma Prior for Optimal Posterior Contraction and Multiple Hypothesis Testing
Fast, Accurate and Fully Parallelizable Digital Image Correlation
On the Power of Tree-Depth for Fully Polynomial FPT Algorithms
Evaluating discriminatory accuracy of models using partial risk-scores in two-phase studies
Sign-Constrained Regularized Loss Minimization
An Augmented Nonlinear Complex LMS for Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex Direct-Conversion Transceivers
Marginal sequential Monte Carlo for doubly intractable models
Securing UAV Communications Via Trajectory Optimization
Provably Fair Representations
The Sierpiński gasket as the Martin boundary of a non-isotropic Markov chain
Multi-Batch Experience Replay for Fast Convergence of Continuous Action Control
The Location-Allocation Model for Multi-Classification-Yard Location Problem in a Railway Network
Revisiting the Design Issues of Local Models for Japanese Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis
Non-abelian finite groups whose character sums are invariant but are not Cayley isomorphism
Robust Parameter Estimation of Regression Model with AR(p) Error Terms
Arguing Machines: Perception-Control System Redundancy and Edge Case Discovery in Real-World Autonomous Driving
Geometry of large Boltzmann outerplanar maps
An Improved Naive Bayes Classifier-based Noise Detection Technique for Classifying User Phone Call Behavior
Effects of Images with Different Levels of Familiarity on EEG
Markerless visual servoing on unknown objects for humanoid robot platforms
Pure Operation-Based Replicated Data Types
V1: A Visual Query Language for Property Graphs
Risk assessment using suprema data
VOIDD: automatic vessel of intervention dynamic detection in PCI procedures
Multimodal Observation and Interpretation of Subjects Engaged in Problem Solving
Clusters of Driving Behavior from Observational Smartphone Data
Convolutional Attention-based Seq2Seq Neural Network for End-to-End ASR
Supersaturated sparse graphs and hypergraphs
Optimal Control of PDEs using Occupation Measures and SDP Relaxations
Subjectively Interesting Subgroup Discovery on Real-valued Targets
The co-Pieri rule for Kronecker coefficients
Wild Bootstrapping Rank-Based Procedures: Multiple Testing in Nonparametric Split-Plot Designs
On the Containment Problem for Linear Sets
Hierarchical Convolutional-Deconvolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Liver and Tumor Segmentation
Measuring the spatial balance of a sample: A new measure based on the Moran’s I index
The Trees of Hanoi
Lattice point visibility on generalized lines of sight
On a Generalization of the Arcsine Law
Bayesian Modeling of the Structural Connectome for Studying Alzheimer Disease
Inference for partial correlation when data are missing not at random
On free Generalized Inverse Gaussian distributions
A probabilistic view on the deterministic mutation-selection equation: dynamics, equilibria, and ancestry via individual lines of descent
Balancing expression dags for more efficient lazy adaptive evaluation
Additivity of Information in Multilayer Networks via Additive Gaussian Noise Transforms
Towards Scalable Spectral Clustering via Spectrum-Preserving Sparsification
Particle Filtering for Stochastic Navier-Stokes Signal Observed with Linear Additive Noise
Throughput Region of Spatially Correlated Interference Packet Networks
Constructing Directed Cayley Graphs of Small Diameter: A Potent Solovay-Kitaev Procedure
Auto Analysis of Customer Feedback using CNN and GRU Network
Riordan graphs I: Structural properties
Finite size corrections to the Parisi overlap function in the GREM
On the resolution of l0 minimization problems via alternating Lagrangian schemes
Deep Imitation Learning for Complex Manipulation Tasks from Virtual Reality Teleoperation
Analysis of planar ornament patterns via motif asymmetry assumption and local connections
A generalization of Erdős’ matching conjecture
Hard and Easy Instances of L-Tromino Tilings
Secret-Key Generation in Many-to-One Networks: An Integrated Game-Theoretic and Information-Theoretic Approach
Progressive Representation Adaptation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization