Feature Engineering google
Feature engineering is the process of determining which predictor variables will contribute the most to the predictive power of a machine learning algorithm. There are two commonly used methods for making this selection – the Forward Selection Procedure starts with no variables in the model. You then iteratively add variables and test the predictive accuracy of the model until adding more variables no longer makes a positive effect. Next, the Backward Elimination Procedure begins with all the variables in the model. You proceed by removing variables and testing the predictive accuracy of the model. …

Gas Station Problem google
In the gas station problem we want to find the cheapest path between two vertices of an $n$-vertex graph. Our car has a specific fuel capacity and at each vertex we can fill our car with gas, with the fuel cost depending on the vertex. …

Edward google
Probabilistic modeling is a powerful approach for analyzing empirical information. We describe Edward, a library for probabilistic modeling. Edward’s design reflects an iterative process pioneered by George Box: build a model of a phenomenon, make inferences about the model given data, and criticize the model’s fit to the data. Edward supports a broad class of probabilistic models, efficient algorithms for inference, and many techniques for model criticism. The library builds on top of TensorFlow to support distributed training and hardware such as GPUs. Edward enables the development of complex probabilistic models and their algorithms at a massive scale. …